Issue - meetings

PFISC Training Plan

Meeting: 08/06/2020 - Pension Fund Investment Sub-Committee (Item 3)

3 PFISC Training Plan pdf icon PDF 409 KB

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Michael Nicalaou, Interim Treasury and Pension Fund Manager presented the training plan to the Committee, confirming that the subject options were consistent with the needs of the members. 


It was confirmed that the training plan will be updated annually and that the plan includes two dedicated training days during the year.


The Committee noted that Karen Shackleton, Independent Investment Adviser confirmed that she was able to offer some training sessions virtually and had held successful virtual sessions since the lockdown period due to Covid-19 had started.


Paul Potter, Hymans Robertson welcomed the addition of climate change training and suggested to the Committee that it would be timely to review the timetable of training in view of the current and changing circumstances.


Following a question from Councillor John Horner, it was confirmed that information would be requested as to the possibility of adding completed pension training to an individual’s Your HR record.




The Pension Fund Investment Sub-committee notes the proposed training plan and options.