8 Children and Families Change Programme Update PDF 237 KB
The report outlines the Children and Families Change Programme and work completed to date.
Additional documents:
That Cabinet endorses the Children and Families Change and Investment Plan 2020-2023, with further work to continue on validating the benefits of the programme.
Councillor Jeff Morgan (Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services) explained that the report before Cabinet set out details of an ambitious change programme committing £12m over three years. The practices to be followed would be based on those being used successfully in Leeds.
Councillor Jerry Roodhouse welcomed the report but expressed concerns that one-off cash injections for projects, whilst welcome, can leave the future delivery of services in question. Funding for the project should be part of the base budget. Councillor Morgan agreed with this latter point adding that where elements of the project are found to bring major enhancements, efforts will be made to build these into the budget.
That Cabinet endorses the Children and Families Change and Investment Plan 2020-2023, with further work to continue on validating the benefits of the programme.