7 DSG Recovery Plan PDF 276 KB
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Duane Chappell, Strategy and Commissioning Manager (SEND & Inclusion) presented the report to the Committee which was a follow up from the report presented at the last Committee meeting and at the Cabinet meeting in June.
It was noted that 31 projects had been identified for change work from the SEND & Inclusion Change programme; work is underway on the first group of projects, including savings projections. The Committee thanked officers for clearly identifying the ‘invest to change’ options for each project. It was noted that savings won’t be made against every project as they identify a better way of working and that some savings may have to be quantified later following pilots.
Following a question from Councillor Jonathan Chilvers, it was confirmed that information relation to the confidence in each proposal will be included in future reports to the Committee.
Following a question from Councillor Margaret Bell in relation to EHCP’s, it was confirmed that not every child with identified needs will require an EHCP. For example, medical needs and other health care needs do not always require an EHCP. Each decision is thoroughly thought through and planned because they could be subject to a tribunal if it is applied in error. Once an EHC plan is committed to it is unlikely to change or be removed.
The Chair confirmed that many points from the report had been covered at the previous meeting, but it was agreed that the Committee would write to MP’s in relation to their concerns about funding. It was agreed that this action would be added to the recommendation.
That the Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee considers the report presented to Cabinet on the DSG Recovery Plan (Appendix A) and makes appropriate recommendations. The Committee will write to the MP’s in relation to their concerns about funding.