Issue - meetings

Election of Chair of Council

Meeting: 23/07/2020 - County Council (Item 1)

Election of Chair of Council

To elect a Chair for the ensuing municipal year.  The Chair to make a declaration of acceptance of office.


Additional documents:



That Councillor Alan Cockburn be elected Chair of Council until the annual meeting of the Council in 2021.


The meeting was opened by Councillor Nicola Davies, the outgoing Chair of Council. Councillor Davies requested nominations for the Chair of Council for 2020/21.


Councillor Izzi Seccombe (Leader of the Council) nominated Councillor Alan Cockburn. Councillor Peter Butlin (Deputy Leader of the Council) seconded the nomination. No other nominations were proposed.




Monica Fogarty (Chief Executive) oversaw the vote. 48 Members voted for. There were 2 abstentions and none against.


Councillor Alan Cockburn took the Chair and proposed a vote of thanks to Councillor Nicola Davies. This was seconded by Councillor Sarah Board who commended the work undertaken by Councillor Davies since May 2019.


Councillor Davies duly thanked Council for its support during her tenure and especially thanked those officers who had helped her in her role as Chair.



That Councillor Alan Cockburn be elected Chair of Council until the annual meeting of the Council in 2021.