Issue - meetings

Planning Application : SDC/20CM008 - Edgehill Quarry, Edgehill

Meeting: 03/11/2020 - Regulatory Committee (Item 4)

4 Planning Application : SDC/20CM008 - Edgehill Quarry, Edgehill pdf icon PDF 289 KB

Planning Application details, including all documents and plans, can

be found via the following link Planning Application SDC/20CM008


Additional documents:


Matthew Williams, Senior Planner, presented the report to the Committee confirming the application sought permission to vary conditions imposed in 2018 in relation to the date upon which screening and processing

operations must cease and the date upon which a restoration scheme must be submitted. 


It was confirmed that the extension was required as a result of there being more recoverable material on site than originally thought.  Operations were also delayed as a result of bad weather and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.


The extensions requested are as follows –


·         The processing of existing stockpiles of overburden to continue until 31 March 2021


·         The removal of processed material from the site to continue until 31

November 2021


·         The date by which a detailed restoration scheme must be approved to be extended to 31st November 2021


The Committee was asked to note that a second application has been submitted in relation to infilling, restoration and after use of the site.  This application will be reported to a later meeting of the Regulatory Committee.


It was noted that concern had been raised by local residents in relation to noise from machinery on the site.  The complaint was investigated and the cause was found to be issues with one of the machines; following vehicle maintenance the issue was resolved.


The Committee noted that there were several concerns raised by residents such as noise, vehicle movement and dust from the site.  It was confirmed that restrictions are in place as part of the conditions attached to the existing planning permission which it is proposed to repeat.  If a cause for complaint does arise these conditions provide a means to remedy any issues.


It was agreed that following consultation with the Chair, additional conditions would be drafted in relation to the following –


·         controlling turning movements into and out of the site

·         requiring that a sign be erected at the access regarding turning movements

·         enhancing the wheel washing facilities/procedures.


Following a question in relation to vehicle movements and mud on the highway, it was confirmed that as proposed, conditions 7 and 9 would allow Warwickshire County Council to take enforcement action in both matters.


Councillor Chris Williams spoke on behalf of the local Parish Council and stated that the application would not be supported.  HGV’s are going through the local village which goes against current conditions.  It was also stated that residents believe that the requirement to use a wheel washer or high-pressure washer in order to keep the highway clean is not being done.  The Parish Council stated that they believe these conditions, and others, are ignored by the site owner.


Following a question from Councillor Caroline Phillips it was confirmed that in order for Warwickshire County Council to take enforcement action against alleged breaches of conditions, details would need to be sent to officers.  Councillor Williams confirmed that he would pass this message on to residents to ensure they contacted the Council with information on any future breaches of conditions.


The recommendation  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4