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The Code of Corporate Governance was last reviewed and approved by Cabinet December in 2016 following the issue by CIPFA of their revised framework and guidance. The need to revise our present Code has arisen as a result of feedback from our Auditors through the Annual Governance Statement (AGS) examination.
Cabinet Portfolio Holder – Councillor Kam Kaur
Additional documents:
Councillor Kam Kaur (Portfolio Holder for Customer and Transformation) informed the meeting that a review of the Code of Corporate Governance had been requested by the council’s external auditors. The revised document now complies with the guidance produced by CIPFA. The draft document had been considered and welcomed by the council’s Audit and Standards Committee at its meeting on 23 March 2021.
Councillor Kam Kaur closed by stating that the Code of Corporate Governance should be readily accessible to staff and members of the public.
1. That the Cabinet approves the draft Code of Corporate Governance.
2. That the Strategic Director for Resources is authorised to update the Code to reflect periodic or any necessary changes in our governance control processes.
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The report and appendix are attached.
Additional documents:
Before commencing this item, the Chair acknowledged the imminent retirement of Jane Pollard (Legal Services Manager) after almost four decades with WCC. On behalf of the Committee, he praised Jane Pollard’s outstanding contribution, stating that she had demonstrated expertise, commitment, and great professionalism. She was a highly respected colleague. He conveyed the Committee’s gratitude and best wishes.
Jane Pollard introduced the report, stating that the Code of Corporate Governance had been repackaged to more clearly align with the seven principles of good governance set out by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA). An opportunity had been taken to update the Code to reflect recent organisational changes and to link up with the Authority’s Integrated Planning Framework. Dependent upon the view of the Committee, the revised Code would be submitted to Cabinet for approval on 8 April 2021.
The Committee considered the Code of Corporate Governance and was supportive of the revised document and its submission to Cabinet for approval. The quality of the updated Code of Corporate Governance was widely praised.
That the Committee endorses the draft Code of Corporate Governance for submission to Cabinet for approval.