Elaine Coleridge-Smith,
Independent Chair of the Warwickshire Safeguarding Board introduced
this item. Warwickshire Safeguarding was required to produce
and publish an annual report in accordance with the statutory
requirements governing its establishment, also sharing the document
with a number of people and bodies, which were detailed in the
The annual report provided a high-level
overview of key performance data in relation to safeguarding
children, young people and adults, details of work undertaken
against each of the strategic priorities and learning and
improvement work conducted throughout the year. During the course
of 2019/20 the new governance structure and constitution had been
finalised to enable it to transition into Warwickshire
Safeguarding. The detail of the report expanded on the subgroups
reporting to the Board and the various strands of work completed
over the year.
Questions and comments were invited, with
responses provided as indicated:
- Warwickshire Safeguarding had introduced
seven-minute briefings as a quick and simple way to share learning
on a range of safeguarding topics. The briefings could be accessed
via this link:
- Councillor Morgan welcomed this good
annual report, which showed that high standards were being
maintained and the focus on exploitation was welcomed.
- A question about engagement with
schools, to publicise the work of the Board. School representatives
did participate in the board. Examples of specific interaction were
early help, annual school audits and attendance at head teacher
- An anxiety concerned children in
lockdown not being able to speak out about issues at home, and the
level of assurance that there were not hidden problems. Regular
reports were provided, but it was hard to be assured when issues
were unknown. Every effort was made to maintain contact with
children on their own through social workers and health
- Nigel Minns confirmed that where
children were known to authorities, risk assessments took place and
mechanisms had been put in place to see them in person or online.
The service was now operating mainly face-to face appointments
again. The challenge was those children who were not known to
system. Traditionally the police and schools were the largest
referrers, so school closures were a cause for some nervousness.
The council had tried to reach out, making best use of social media, tailored communications
produced by young people and digital solutions, but it
couldn’t reach everyone and there was a perception of demand
within the system, without yet knowing
its extent.
The Chair thanked Elaine and Amrita Sharma for
the work of the Warwickshire Safeguarding Board.
That the Board receives the 2019/20 Annual
Report for Warwickshire Safeguarding and notes the progress the
partnership has made against its strategic priorities during the
course of the year.