3 Health and Wellbeing Partnerships PDF 332 KB
– Progress reports from the partnerships in South Warwickshire, Warwickshire North and Rugby – Partnership Leads
Additional documents:
An update was submitted on the Health and Wellbeing Partnerships (HWP) in the three places of Warwickshire North, Rugby and South Warwickshire. These were critical to the successful delivery of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy, the new Coventry and Warwickshire Health and Care Partnership and the place-based Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA). Their role in the wider Health and Wellbeing system was outlined in a diagram appended to the report. Sections of the report focussed on the work being undertaken in each partnership area. Duncan Vernon provided further information on the Rugby partnership, changes made and work areas over recent months.
That the Board notes and supports the progress made by the three Health and Wellbeing Partnerships in Warwickshire.