5 Healthwatch Annual Review
– Report for approval –
Elizabeth Hancock and Chris Bain
Additional documents:
Liz Hancock and Chris Bain, Healthwatch
Warwickshire’s (HWW) Chair and chief executive gave a
presentation to accompany the circulated annual report for 2019-20.
The presentation covered:
- Highlights from 2019/20
- Data on feedback from the public,
advice/information enquiries and a 50% increase in online
- Six reports published and two
standing conferences on patient voice had been held
- Surveys and engagement work
- Changing the way we work
- Home working and virtual
- Telephone responses and web
enquiries restored within a few days
- Daily online updates
- Engagement strategy implemented
- Public engagement / outreach
- Surveys and projects launched
- Covid-19 survey highlights -
- A breakdown of the 1103 responses
with mental health being mentioned by 839 respondents
- What are people saying?
- Examples of the areas of enquiry HWW
has received and areas of concern
- Future priorities
- New models of engagement and enter
& view
- Mental health
- Rights access project
- Future projects
Questions and comments were invited, with
responses provided as indicated:
- Discussion about the rights access
project and the organisations HWW were working with. Chris Bain
confirmed this was a joint project working with hostels and other
partners. Further work was looking at the experiences of homeless
people during the pandemic, the additional services delivered
including temporary housing and the need to review the conclusions
of the project. The additional help for homeless people was
recognised as a successful aspect of Covid-19 response.
- Ensuring the patient voice was heard
as part of the integrated care system (ICS) was raised by Sir Chris
Ham. Nigel Minns would be taking the lead on this area. There was a
wish to ensure the patient voice was heard at all levels and the
help of HWW was sought to ensure this happened.
- The Chair asked for the HWW survey
results to be shared for comparison to other surveys.
That the Board receives and notes Healthwatch
Warwickshire’s annual report for 2019/20.