8 Immunisation Update PDF 213 KB
– Progress report for review – Dr Nadia Inglis
Additional documents:
Nadia Inglis reported that a 2019 Coventry and
Warwickshire immunisation and screening review had assessed the
uptake of routine childhood and adult/older people’s
vaccinations against national targets. It identified that primary
immunisation uptake had reduced across all three clinical
commissioning group (CCG) areas for certain vaccinations. In
particular, there had been reduced uptake of the pre-school
immunisations, and uptake of two doses of the combined MMR. Data
was provided to evidence this together with the rates of uptake of
one dose of MMR and the uptake rate required to achieve
‘herd’ immunity. A similar pattern was seen for the 4
in 1 pre-school booster. Currently uptake was below levels required
for herd immunity. An enhanced seasonal flu vaccination scheme
would be provided this year.
Questions and comments were invited, with responses provided:
That the Board notes the work being undertaken to increase the uptake of childhood immunisations in Warwickshire, and that Board members provide appropriate organisational support for the actions proposed.