6 Covid-19 Health Impact Assessment PDF 418 KB
– Report for approval – Duncan Vernon
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It was reported that the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) strategic group had agreed to initiate a Covid-19 health impact assessment (HIA). Initially it had been proposed as County Council initiative, but now included Coventry City Council and clinical commissioning group (CCG) colleagues to ensure that the HIA provided a system-wide view across the Health and Care Partnership.
A project team had been established and the HIA was structured using the Kings Fund population health model which highlighted four interacting areas that influenced the health and wellbeing of people in Coventry and Warwickshire.
Two key high-level findings were reported under the headings of an integrated recovery and the double impact of harm from the Covid-19 pandemic. Key findings and data within each pillar of the Kings Fund population health model were also reported under the following headings:
A series of recommendations were provided against each of these headings. The Chair noted the thorough work completed. He recorded thanks to all involved, endorsed publication of the HIA and use of the findings. It was planned to take the HIA to the three place partnerships.
That the Board:
Notes the findings of the COVID-19 Health Impact
2. Endorses the COVID-19 Health Impact Assessment for publication on the Warwickshire County Council website.
Utilises findings from the COVID-19 Health Impact Assessment when engaging in reset and recovery planning.