10 Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Update PDF 234 KB
– Progress report – Duncan Vernon
Additional documents:
Duncan Vernon provided an update on the delivery of the JSNA programme from April 2018 to date. Details and links were provided to the JSNA web pages and the Warwickshire insight tool. Engagement had been completed and the respective reports signed-off by steering groups.
Aggregated plans were being produced for each
of the three places of South Warwickshire, Rugby and Warwickshire
North. Links would also be made to the emerging Integrated Care
System to inform the production of ‘place delivery
plans’ for health and care services, and the refresh of the
Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
The County Council had commissioned Grapevine to mobilise and engage communities in action planning. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the project had been put on hold, but the officer commenced work in September.
The proposed core work programme for 2020/21 was outlined in a table within the report. The timescales had been revised and may be further impacted by the pandemic. Further context was reported on key areas of the work programme.
The Chair referred to the appendix and arrangements for core evaluation groups, suggesting the involvement of local members, which would be taken on board.
That the Health and Wellbeing Board:
Notes the progress made in delivering the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) to
Uses the JSNA evidence base to ensure partners are working to a
consistent understanding of local need, enabling joined-up service
provision targeted to the right areas and driving commissioning
3. Endorses the proposals for the future work programme and governance, noting the possible impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on timescales.