Issue - meetings

Mid Year Performance Progress Report

Meeting: 18/11/2020 - Adult Social Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 5)

5 Mid-Year Performance Progress Report pdf icon PDF 444 KB

The mid-year Council Plan report for 2020/21 is submitted for the committee’s consideration.


Additional documents:


The committee received the mid-year quarterly progress report, which was supplemented by a presentation from Becky Hale, Assistant Director,  People Strategy and Commissioning.


The Council Plan quarter 2 performance report for the period 1 April to 30 September 2020 was considered and approved by Cabinet on 12 November. The report provided an overview of progress of the key elements of the Council Plan, specifically in relation to performance against key business measures (KBMs), strategic risks and workforce management. A separate financial monitoring report for the period covering both the revenue and capital budgets, reserves and delivery of the savings plan was presented and considered at the same Cabinet meeting.


A tailored report was provided for the services under the committee’s remit. This included strategic context and a performance commentary, assessed against the KBMs. It expanded on areas of note and two areas concerning inspection activity which had needed to be paused. Four areas were currently not on track and further commentary was provided on those areas. A financial commentary was also provided.   


The presentation pulled out key aspects of the report relating to the following areas:


  • Council overview – the council plan, high level outcomes and key business measures (KBMs)
  • The People Directorate overview and the 14 KBMs within the committee’s remit.
  • Areas of success, those paused and areas for improvement
  • The financial aspects


Questions and comments were submitted, with responses provided as indicated:

  • New legislation was being introduced which placed statutory duties on councils in regard to domestic abuse. There was a correlation to mental health and drug/alcohol abuse. It was suggested that performance indicators for this area could be refined to provide smarter reporting arrangements and a briefing on the new duties would be helpful too. The points on reviewing indicators would be taken on board. Reference was made to the multi-disciplinary team approach with service providers to understand people and their needs. A lot of work was taking place to prepare for the new duties and for the recommissioning of domestic abuse support services. A briefing note would be prepared as requested.
  • Further information was provided about people reducing care visits for day care and respite services. Compared to the first wave of the pandemic, there had been a significant increase in take up of domiciliary care support.
  • Discussion about the financial aspects, which were complex, with multiple income streams. Overall activity levels were expected to be slightly higher than normal, but not significantly so.  A specific area raised was the revised guidance limiting entitlement to free care and support for some service recipients.
  • Officers had noted that some people who self-funded their care costs seemed reluctant to go into care. This was impacting on admissions and there were occupancy rate considerations for some providers, but the council was working closely with them. The same level of reduction was not being seen for community-based support.
  • The impact of lockdowns for the elderly, causing a decline in both mental and physical health. Additional support may be required  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5