5 Update on Preparations for EU Transition PDF 227 KB
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Gereint Stoneman (Strategy and Commissioning Manager, Corporate Policy) introduced the report, stating that it acted as a prelude to a more developed report due to be presented at the Full Council meeting in December 2020. He advised that a member briefing session regarding the Council’s preparations for the end of the EU transition period would be scheduled later in November 2020.
Gereint Stoneman advised that the report provided a status update on conditions as they currently stood; due to the fluid nature of conditions surrounding the end of the EU transition period, it was likely that more information would become available over the coming months. He stated that the Committee could be assured that processes were in place to react promptly to any developments.
In response to the Chair, Gereint Stoneman stated that the Trade and EU Matters Group had addressed the issue from a ‘worst case scenario’ and had examined contingencies that would be required should no agreement be reached following international negotiations.
Councillor Gifford commented that he was sympathetic to the challenges associated with producing a report of this type, given the level of uncertainty involved. He observed that the report had not referred to the possible implications for the agricultural sector.
Ben Odams (Policy Lead, Corporate Policy) stated that the importance of this issue was acknowledged and was included in the more detailed analysis that officers had undertaken.
In response to the Chair, Jonathon Toy (Service Manager, Trading Standards & Community Safety) advised that all aspects of the food chain had been examined, leading to the formation of small team within Trading Standards to provide guidance to businesses during a period of uncertainty.
Jonathon Toy agreed to highlight the issue of live animal exports and animal welfare in transit to Councillor Crump, the lead Cabinet member for this area.
In response to Councillor Reilly, Gereint Stoneman advised that a Risk Register had been produced as a working document to take account of the risks associated with Brexit across the organisation. This would be used to highlight crucial issues for members’ attention.
That the Committee notes the approach being taken in preparation for EU Transition.