4 Cyber Security Policy PDF 93 KB
Neil Buxton (Technical Specialist Pensions Fund Policy and Governance) introduced the report and stated that the pension regulator required all pension schemes to have a cyber security policy in place to protect the integrity of Neil Buxton (Technical Specialist Pensions Fund Policy and Governance) introduced the report and stated that the pension regulator required all pension schemes to have a cyber security policy in place to protect the integrity of member records and pension fund assets; this policy should be subject to review. The pension regulator specifically advises local authority pension funds that they cannot rely on their host authority’s policies and must have something bespoke. Therefore, the pension scheme will contact the Risk and Compliance Officer to assess if external expertise in relation to the policies is needed.
In response to Councillor Dirveiks’ concerns with external officers accessing meetings, Neil Buxton replied that the administration systems were created with external partners so there was a shared compliance. Councillor Bill Gifford noted the dangers with hackers of security systems.
The Staff and Pensions Committee comment on and approve the draft Cyber Security Policy in Appendix 1 and the associated Action Plan in Appendix 2.