6 Pensions Administration Update PDF 316 KB
Victoria Jenks, Pensions Admin Delivery Lead presented this report which provided an update on the proposed appointment of Martin Reohorn as the Board’s new Chair, the Pensions Administration Service in terms of personnel and membership numbers, issue of Annual Benefits Statements, and data quality.
In response to a question on data quality and improving the level of scheme specific data, Victoria Jenks advised that the service would seek to improve the score within the next 6 months. She explained that there were some legacy issues with the way data was collected across the three schemes and records in the 1992 scheme were particularly sparse and, in some cases, only the data needed to calculate benefits had been collected. The Team would be carrying out work to improve the data on the 2015 scheme and with the changes in personnel in the team, improvements were already been seen.
Barnaby Briggs noted that as the figures improved, members would begin to get letters about their scheme membership and he urged Employee Representatives on the Board to work with the Team to correct membership records and ensure members were being properly represented. The improved resources in the team were noted and thanks were extended to the Team for the work to date.