The report is attached.
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John Parmiter (BDUK Manager) introduced the report, stating that the importance of superfast connectivity had been underlined by the introduction of widespread homeworking during the pandemic. Broadband connectivity now represented a fourth utility for many households; it would be necessary to keep up with the pace of change to ensure that connectivity speeds were aligned with modern demands on the system.
In response to Councillor Birdi, John Parmiter advised that developers were not legally obliged to provide a full fibre connection to new housing developments. This represented a missed opportunity.
In response to Councillor Webb, John Parmiter advised that effective partnership arrangements were in place between WCC and borough and district councils to encourage prioritisation of broadband connectivity within the planning process. He added that liaison with central government to seek a change to planning legislation would be welcomed, however, it was acknowledged that making such representations on behalf of the Council fell outside of the remit of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
In response to Councillor Boad, John Parmiter stated that mobile connectivity was a cost-effective and expeditious solution to connect to remote locations. He praised the commitment and level of support shown by the Council to broadband connectivity over the past ten years. This had demonstrated foresight; digital connectivity was now a key element of the Authority’s COVID-19 Recovery Programme.
In response to Councillor Reilly, John Parmiter advised that work had been commissioned to test 4G coverage across Warwickshire. This data had been utilised to produce a heat map of ‘hot spots’ (where the network was overburdened) and ‘not spots’ (where there was no signal). This resource would be utilised to identify areas where improvements were required. In response to the Chair, he agreed to circulate details of this resource to members of the Council.
1. That the Committee notes the progress that the Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire (CSW) Superfast Project has made to extend Superfast connectivity across the sub-region.
2. That the Committee notes proposals for Digital Connectivity, including mobile technologies.