4 Homelessness Strategy PDF 215 KB
The Homelessness Strategy is submitted for the Board’s consideration and approval – Emily Fernandez
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It was reported that in 2019, the Board approved formation of a Homelessness Strategic Group which commenced work on a countywide strategy on tackling and reducing homelessness.
An update was provided, which included a presentation from Lisa Barker Head of Housing at Warwick District Council and Emily Fernandez from WCC Public Health. The presentation covered the following areas:
The Warwickshire Homeless Strategic Group had been working collaboratively across a wide range of partners, writing a countywide strategy on preventing homelessness. Development of the strategy had been delayed for several months due to Covid-19. A concerted effort had been made to bring it to fruition. The completed strategy had been taken through district and borough council governance processes, ahead of this report being submitted.
A section of the report focussed on the development of the strategy, including the strategic priorities of health, financial inclusion, young people, domestic abuse and offending. Countywide strategy engagement was undertaken. The recommendations and content had been refined following this engagement, to ensure relevant comments were reflected within the strategy. An appendix to the report provided a detailed analysis of the feedback. The covering report highlighted this feedback and the support for proposed priorities / recommendations either in total, or to some extent. Qualitative feedback from the engagement had resulted in further changes to the strategy.
In terms of next steps, the homelessness strategic group would continue to work collaboratively and to develop an action plan to underpin the strategic recommendations. This would result in the development of workstreams, to achieve the strategic vision and periodic updates would be provided.
The Chair thanked the officers for the presentation. Questions and comments were invited, with responses provided as indicated: