Additional documents:
That the Regulatory Committee authorises the grant of planning permission
for the proposed erection of a modular classroom to replace the existing
modular building, the provision of car parking and associated works, subject
to the conditions and for the reasons contained within Appendix B of the
report of the Strategic Director for Communities.
Sally Panayi, Senior Planner, presented the report to the Committee, confirming that the report had come to Committee as a result of the delegation agreement; the education department at Warwickshire County Council is under the same directorate as planning which means it should be considered by the Committee. There has also been an objection but in other circumstances this level of objection could be dealt with as a delegated matter.
The Committee noted that the proposed application is for a Special Educational Needs (SEND) unit at the Henley-in-Arden Church of England Primary School. The development would increase the available provision within Warwickshire and thereby reduce the number of SEND pupils who currently have to travel out of county. The application is for the removal of an existing temporary classroom to be replaced with a larger modular building.
The following points were noted by the Committee –
o There is no issue in relation to the new building overlooking neighbouring properties.
o Two trees would need to be removed but a condition is recommended to ensure the replacement trees proposed by the applicant are provided and maintained.
o There has been no objection received from Highways and there is no changed proposed in relation to the access into the school from the highway.
o A condition is recommended for a request to be made for the school to provide a green travel plan within six months of the project being completed.
Following a question from Councillor Clive Rickhards in relation to the green travel plan, it was confirmed that the plan will cover the whole site – the SEND provision and the primary school. It was noted that drop off and pick-up times have been staggered; the main school pupils will arrive earlier and leave later than the SEND pupils to avoid congestion.
Mr Tony Matthews, local resident, raised concerns in relation to the application. Mr Matthew’s primary objection was in relation to the traffic on Arden Road (a cul-de-sac with no turning area). The proposed application will result in 14 additional pupils, resulting in 14 extra vehicles on the road in the morning and the afternoon. Mr Matthews acknowledged that drop offs in the morning usually have a quick turnaround but at pick-up time in the afternoon, often cars will be waiting for pupils to finish; where will they wait?
Alison Fowler, Strategic Acquisitions and Disposals, confirmed that the Head Teacher had advised that SEND students are dropped off much later and that the pick-up time would be before the primary school.
Mr Matthews asked why the existing building could not simply be refurbished. It was confirmed that the increase in the size of the building was necessary due to the type and number of rooms required for the SEND unit. The current building would not allow the required infrastructure.
Following a question from Councillor Neil Dirveiks it was confirmed that the aim was to complete the replacement of the building over the summer holidays. The current temporary classroom would ... view the full minutes text for item 4