Additional documents:
That the Regulatory Committee authorises the grant of planning permission
for segregation fencing and vehicular access gates between the existing
Hydrotherapy Pool building and the Pears Centre site, subject to the
conditions and for the reasons contained within Appendix B of the report of
the Strategic Director for Communities.
Matthew Williams, Senior Planner, presented the report to the Committee, confirming that the report had come to Committee as part of the delegation agreement; the education department at Warwickshire County Council is under the same directorate as planning which means it should be considered by the Committee.
The Committee noted that the proposed Hydrotherapy Pool would not be for use by the PEARS site; it would be transferred for use by Exhall Grange School.
The Committee noted that there are three phases planned for the PEARS site. This application is the first of three. The second application is being worked on and will be presented to the Committee at a later date. The third application is still in the development stage.
The Committee noted that the plans showed an internal road on site, leading to a car park, which the proposed fence would cut across. Concerns were received from Highways who highlighted the potential for a shortage of car parking spaces which could then lead to congestion if the PEARS school was re-opened. It was noted that the application for phase two would address this but as part of this application a condition is included that the PEARS site cannot be brought back into use until the car park issue is resolved.
The recommendation was proposed by Councillor Neil Dirveiks and was seconded by Councillor Mark Cargill. A vote was held, and the Committee voted unanimously in favour of the recommendation to grant planning permission.
That the Regulatory Committee authorises the grant of planning permission for segregation fencing and vehicular access gates between the existing Hydrotherapy Pool building and the Pears Centre site, subject to the conditions and for the reasons contained within Appendix B of the report of the Strategic Director for Communities.