4 Council's COVID-19 Recovery Plan PDF 484 KB
This report provides an update for Cabinet on progress with the delivery of the Covid-19 Recovery Plan.
Cabinet Portfolio Holder – Councillor Izzi Seccombe
Additional documents:
Councillor Izzi Seccombe reminded Cabinet of the work undertaken by members and officers in the summer of 2020 regarding Covid-19 recovery. Since then the Pandemic had changed and it had been found necessary for the County Council to review its priorities accordingly. Officers were thanked for their continuing hard work particularly around test and trace, vaccination centres and support for schools and children.
Councillor Les Caborn (Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care and Health) suggested that if it had not already been, the report should be shared with partner agencies. This will help to avoid duplication of effort whilst assisting in joined up thinking.
Councillor Keith Kondakor noted that around 1000 people in Warwickshire have died of Covid-19. He observed that whilst rates of the disease are decreasing at a reasonable pace in Stratford-on-Avon District the rate of decline in Nuneaton is slower. Work is needed to increase levels of take up of the vaccine in Nuneaton and Bedworth.
Councillor Jerry Roodhouse thanked officers for their hard work but counselled that fatigue will set in particularly with restrictions potentially lasting the rest of the year. Referencing page 123, Councillor Roodhouse expressed his disappointment that work on the performance framework is to be delayed. It is a means by which the Executive can be held to account and as such is very important he stated.
Councillor Kam Kaur (Portfolio Holder for Customer and Transformation) stated that she understood Councillor Roodhouse’s frustration regarding the performance framework. She assured him that work is continuing on it in the background with a view to producing something that is innovative. There is a desire to press on with the project, but staff have been deployed to address other matters. Regarding the non-take-up of vaccination Councillor Kaur asked Councillor Kondakor to provide evidence of where this is.
Councillor Helen Adkins expressed her disappointment that a review into inclusion and inequalities was not progressing despite reference on page 125. Councillor Seccombe agreed to get an update from officers on this.
Councillor Adkins welcomed the ten recovery priorities and in particular the reference to education attainment. She requested a member session involving those who have been teachers to be able to explore this area further.
Councillor Seccombe agreed that having an effective performance framework is critical and that work should be progressed on this as appropriate in the current circumstances. Concerning vaccine roll-out, she observed that North Warwickshire has seen a high take up.
That Cabinet:
1. Notes the progress on the delivery of the Council’s Recovery Plan included as Appendix B,
2. Notes the proposals for re-prioritising, timescales and next steps in Section 3.