6 Capital Investment Fund 2020/21 Q4 PDF 310 KB
Through this report cabinet is requested to approve a series of schemes for funding via the CIF.
Cabinet Portfolio Holder – Councillor Peter Butlin
Additional documents:
Councillor Peter Butlin decribed each of the projects that were for consideration by Cabinet.
Councillor Jeff Clarke welcomed the projects speaking in support of the schemes that fall into his portfolio. Councillor Seccombe proposed a member briefing on electric vehicles. This was agreed.
Councillor Keith Kondakor suggested that a ride on an electric bus would be informative. He challenged why the electric bus scheme had not received a score of 10/10 as it was so good. Regarding the proposed bridge at Stoneleigh Councillor Kondakor asked that provision be made for cyclists and pedestrian. On this latter point it was noted by Councillor Clarke that there is reference in the report to cycle and pedestrian provision on the bridge.
Councillor Heather Timms (Portfolio Holder for Environment and Heritage & Culture) welcomed the electric bus proposal adding that of 19 schemes put forward to the Department for Transport only two had been accepted. One of these was the one before Cabinet. She welcomed the potential impact on air quality and charging point provision.
That Cabinet:
1) Approves £0.800 million from the Capital Investment Fund to increase the existing budget for the Lawford Road/Addison Road, Rugby Casualty Reduction Scheme and add to the Capital Programme;
2) Approves £0.409 million from the Capital Investment Fund for the contribution to HS2 Ltd to enable future adoption as public highway of the Southern Accommodation Bridge at Stoneleigh Business Park and add to the Capital Programme;
3) Approves £1.366 million from the Capital Investment Fund to contribute towards electric charging infrastructure for buses in partnership with Coventry City Council and Transport for West Midlands and add to the capital programme, conditional on the full business case being approved by Department for Transport;
4) Approves £3.855 million from the Capital Investment Fund to increase the existing budget required for renovation work at the new SEND school in Nuneaton (Warwickshire Academy) and recommend to Council as part of the 2021-22 capital budget resolution to add to the Capital Programme, and;
5) Authorises the Strategic Director for Communities to procure and enter into any agreements to give effect to the proposals on terms and conditions acceptable to the Strategic Director for Resources.