10 Better Care Fund Plan 2020/21 (Decision Being Made Under the Urgency Procedure) PDF 230 KB
Prior to consideration by a special sub-committee meeting of the Warwickshire Health and Wellbeing Board on 29 January 2021 Cabinet is asked to approve the Better Care Fund.
Cabinet Portfolio Holder – Councillor Les Caborn
Additional documents:
Councillor Izzi Seccombe drew Cabinet’s attention to the fact that the decision to be made would be done so using the Council’s Urgency Procedure. Councillor Les Caborn added that this was because the National Policy Framework had only been received in December 2020. A sub-committee of the Health and Wellbeing Board would complete the sign off on Friday 29 January.
Councillor Jerry Roodhouse recognised the urgency adding that it is important to agree the funding. Regarding paragraph 2.3 Councillor Roodhouse stated that with the establishment of a single CCG it will be interested to see how funding sources evolve.
Councillor Keith Kondakor expressed his disappointment at the delay in issuing the national Policy Framework. He wondered if the pandemic would have an impact on staffing.
Councillor Caborn replied he would prefer the funding to be put in the base budget. Staffing, he said to Councillor Kondakor is not an issue.
That Cabinet:
1) Approves the proposed pooled contribution of £14.688m by the Council to the Better Care Fund Plan (known as the Warwickshire Cares Better Together programme plan) for 2020/21 and the plan for resources as set out in paragraph 2.3.
2) Delegates authority to the Strategic Director for People to enter the proposed section 75 NHS Act 2006 agreement, on terms and conditions acceptable to the Strategic Director for Resources, with Coventry and Rugby Clinical Commissioning Group, South Warwickshire Clinical Commissioning
Group and Warwickshire North Clinical Commissioning Group for the delivery of the Better Care Fund Plan once completed.
3) Approves the County Council continuing as the pooled budget holder for the fund.
4) Notes that this is classed as an urgent report to enable sign off by the Health and Wellbeing Board on 29th January 2021 and to enable funding to be released. Consent of the Chair of the Adult Social Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee has therefore been requested for an urgent decision.