Issue - meetings

Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme - Further WCC Loan

Meeting: 10/02/2021 - Portfolio Holder Decisions/Leader Decisions (Item 1)

1 Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme - Further WCC Loan pdf icon PDF 240 KB

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That the Leader of the Council:


·         Approves the County Council entering into a loan agreement with Coventry and Warwickshire Reinvestment Trust Limited (CWRT) in order to support the extension of the Government’s Coronavirus Business Loan Interruption Scheme (CBILS) in Warwickshire.


·         Approves the County Council entering into a further loan agreement with CWRT to support the extension of the CBILS scheme in Warwickshire in the event additional funding becomes available.


·         Authorises the Strategic Director for Communities to negotiate, and enter into, all relevant agreements on terms and conditions acceptable to the Strategic Director for Resources.