Issue - meetings

A452/A46 Developer Improvement Works

Meeting: 18/03/2021 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 A452/A46 Developer Improvement Works pdf icon PDF 463 KB

This report seeks approval from Cabinet to undertake the delivery of the improvements at the A46/A452 Thickthorn roundabout in Kenilworth.


Cabinet Portfolio Holder – Councillor Jeff Clarke

Additional documents:


Councillor Jeff Clarke introduced the published report. He noted that the scheme at the interchange will help in the delivery of the K2L cycleway project. Referencing paragraph 2.11 Cabinet was informed that the meeting referred to had been held on 16 March. At the meeting the developer had recognised that the cost of the project had increased and agreed to pay a larger contribution towards the delivery of the scheme.




That Cabinet recommends that Council:


Approves the use of Capital Investment Funding of up to £6.6m to forward funding road improvements on the A452/A46 interchange to enable the proposed development in the area, on the basis that any of the funding which is not spent on those improvements will be refunded to the Capital Investment Fund and any which is spent will be recovered from local developer(s) through Section 106 funding.