8 Annual Monitor of use of the Urgency and Call-In procedure 2020/2021 PDF 181 KB
This is an annual report to Council which provides an update of decisions made under the urgency procedure and also decisions which have been called-in.
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Councillor Izzi Seccombe moved the motion and explained the need on occasions to take decisions urgently. Over the last year, some urgent decisions have been related to the Pandemic and some have not.
Councillor Dave Humphreys seconded the motion and reserved the right to speak.
Councillor Jonathan Chilvers praised officers in the way urgent decisions are managed. He noted that decisions can be delivered quickly whilst maintaining transparency. Councillor Jonathan Chilvers asked if the model could be developed further so that more decisions could be reached quickly. In addition, efforts should be made to ensure that other stakeholders are informed of upcoming urgent decisions.
Councillor Dave Humphreys (Seconder of the motion) commented on the way in which urgent decisions have increased in number. He asked that members be kept informed of them as they arise.
Councillor Izzi Seccombe (Mover of the motion) stated that she is happy to look at ways in which the system can be improved but cautioned against any attempt to by-pass the current system that involves all members. Regarding engagement with the public she suggested that the use of social media should be explored.
A vote was held. The motion was carried unanimously.
That Council notes the content of the report.