8 Cyber Security Policy PDF 94 KB
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Neil Buxton, Technical Specialist - Pension Fund Policy and Governance presented this report to the Board which introduced a cyber security policy for the Fund which had been produced in accordance with the requirements of The Pensions Regulator.
Barnaby Briggs asked how the online member self-service portal met cyber security requirements and Vicky Jenks advised that there would be a two-way authentication process to log on to the secure network. Members only had access to their own log-in details and, therefore, anyone falling foul of phishing attempts would only risk their own data.
In response to a query about the regularity of reviewing the policy, Neil Buxton, advised that it was sensible to keep the policy under review. This was a view echoed by Liz Firmstone, Service Manager (Transformation) who indicated that annual review was considered best practice. This year a root and branch review of policies was taking place which would mean a more light touch approach could take place in subsequent years.
That the Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Local Pension Board approved the Cyber Security Policy