Additional documents:
Victoria Moffett, Pensions and Investments Manager presented this report which provided an updated Voting and Stewardship Policy that continued to align with that of Border to Coast Pensions Partnership (BCPP). A tracked change copy of the Fund’s Voting and Stewardship Policy was included at appendix A and it was highlighted that a key change was that the Fund no longer had any segregated mandates with investment managers, all portfolios were indirectly managed by BCPP or Legal and General Investment Management.
Councillor Bill Gifford commented on the strength of the BCPP Voting Policy in comparison to that of the Warwickshire Pension Fund and particularly highlighted recent voting decisions rooted in climate change policy which he had been pleased to note.
1. That the Pension Fund Investment Sub-Committee noted the report
2. That the Pension Fund Investment Sub-Committee approved The Warwickshire Pension Fund Stewardship & Voting Policy
3. That the Pension Fund Investment Sub-Committee approved the Border to Coast Pensions Partnership Corporate Governance and Voting Guidelines