Issue - meetings

Responsible Investment policy

Meeting: 14/06/2021 - Pension Fund Investment Sub-Committee (Item 6)

6 Responsible Investment Policy pdf icon PDF 186 KB

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Victoria Moffett, Pensions and Investments Manager introduced this report which set out the Responsible Investment Policy and a Climate Risk Policy, as originally drafted by the Fund’s investment consultant, Hymans Robertson.  No material changes were proposed but the policies were expected to develop with input from the Sub-Committee.  Philip Pearson noted that the policies should be reviewed during the strategy review and one of the areas of focus should be on whether or not the Fund should adopt any goals on climate change and the management of associated risks. 



1.     That the Pension Fund Investment Sub-Committee noted and approved the Responsible Investment Policy

2.     That the Pension Fund Investment Sub-Committee noted and approved the Climate Risk Policy