Duncan Vernon, a
Public Health consultant working across South
Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust (SWFT) and Warwickshire County
Council provided an update on
the delivery of the JSNA programme since January 2021. The report
reminded of the thematic approach to needs assessments and the
focus on mental health needs.
From September a multi-agency task and finish group
commenced a joint piece of work across Coventry and Warwickshire,
which included a survey and focus groups to secure qualitative
information. An outline was given of the key findings. A total of
975 individuals responded to the survey and 98 people participated
in the focus groups. The report was supplemented by the detailed
needs assessment of adult mental health and wellbeing and a
presentation which covered the key themes from the mental health
needs assessment:
- Scope
- Wellbeing is
different but related to mental illness
- A graphic showing
that good mental health needs a wide response
- The key themes
- There is a high
prevalence of mental ill health
- Challenges in
accessing or understanding available services and support
- There is growing
future need and demand for services
- Short and
long-term impacts from the pandemic
Returning to the
thematic work programme, a table and subsequent paragraphs reported
on the provisional timescales for the other areas of pharmaceutical
needs assessment, health visiting 0-5, end of life care, children
and young people’s mental health and wellbeing and substance
misuse. Further sections reported on the Grapevine Project and the
Director of Public Health’s annual report for 2021.
Questions and comments were invited from the
Discussion about the reasons why people did not
access a service and exploring this to get to the true causes. A
lack of awareness of the services available would show a need to
improve messaging for example. The research didn’t provide
for such detailed questioning, but the points made were
There was a low proportion of people who would
benefit from services, who were currently accessing them.
Organisations were working under significant pressure, there were
workforce challenges and whilst the aim was to offer services,
there may be capacity concerns. Aside from the initiatives
discussed earlier in the meeting, it was questioned if other
activity should be undertaken.
From the report, there was no sense of geography and
context was needed. There were concerns
about service capacity and resource for example in responding to
mental health crisis. A comment to take back was what the report
meant for Warwickshire residents. Duncan Vernon spoke of the
endeavours to break down the data into smaller areas, links to
social deprivation and/or ethnicity, where possible.
The need to inform people of the service. Methods
which had been successful previously included messaging on
televisions in GP waiting rooms and printed drink mats in public
houses. The formation of primary care networks (PCN) and
understanding the health needs of their population could be a
useful trigger to start such conversations.
A question on the role for GP doctors and whether it
was planned to engage with them, ... view the
full minutes text for item 4