Issue - meetings

Better Care Fund Plan Progress Report

Meeting: 07/07/2021 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 7)

7 Better Care Fund Plan Progress Report pdf icon PDF 238 KB

An update to the Board on progress with the Better Together Programme - Becky Hale and Rachel Briden

Additional documents:


Nigel Minns provided this progress report. The Better Care Fund (BCF) Plan was known locally as the Better Together Programme. It comprised resources through the additional social care monies, disabled facilities grant and clinical commissioning group contribution.


The report updated on performance at quarter four of 2020/21 against a range of metrics. It included sections on hospital discharge policy requirements and the BCF 2020/21 end of year requirements, which had been considered and approved by the Board’s Sub-Committee in January. The policy framework and guidance for 2021/22 was expected to be received in quarter one of this year. The BCF Plan for 2021/22 was reported, with existing schemes being supplemented by two additional pilot schemes for mental health/learning disability/autism and falls prevention.


In financial terms, the programme for 2020/21, totalled £59.2m. Supporting information was provided on performance against three national areas of focus, being reducing non-elective admissions, reducing long term admissions to residential and nursing care and increasing the effectiveness of reablement.


Nigel Minns referred to the good practice guide on the discharge arrangements put in place by WCC and SWFT. A more detailed report on the BCF would be submitted to the next board meeting.




That the Health and Wellbeing Board notes:


  1. The progress of the Better Together Programme in 2020/21 including reasons for changes in performance, against the national Better Care Fund areas of focus.


  1. The update on the 2020/21 end of year report on the Better Care Fund.


The update on the Better Care Fund Policy Framework and Guidance for 2021/22.