5 Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) Update PDF 456 KB
To provide an update on the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment in Warwickshire - Duncan Vernon
Additional documents:
Duncan Vernon provided an update on the PNA. The Health and Wellbeing Board had a legal responsibility to maintain an up to date statement around the needs for services from community pharmacies. The PNA assessed local needs for pharmacy provision, to identify any gaps in service or unmet needs, and to highlight any services that community pharmacies could provide to address those needs.
The last PNA was published in March 2018. It was due to be updated in 2021, but due to the Covid-19 pandemic the deadline for publication of the PNA had been extended to October 2022. In the interim, a supplementary statement had been prepared and submitted to NHS England. A copy was appended to the report.
The last PNA concluded that current pharmaceutical service provision in Warwickshire was sufficient but in view of expected significant housing development and population growth, additional future pharmacy provision would need to be considered. To maximise the resources available and to align with local planning footprints, it was proposed to work with Coventry City Council on the upcoming PNA, as previously. The key milestones for consultation and production of the PNA were reported.
The Chair asked if the PNA took into account the vaccination role out requirements for pharmacists. This was a key point to look at. In the supplementary statement, there was reference to the additional pressures caused by the pandemic. The vaccination role for community pharmacists would be taken into account for the PNA.
That the Health and Wellbeing Board:
Notes the proposals for the full PNA in partnership with Coventry City Council and the potential impact of the COVID-19 response on timescales.