Issue - meetings

Planning Application WDC/21CC005 Warwick Parkway Railway Station, Warwick - Variation of condition 17 to allow use of PA system.

Meeting: 02/11/2021 - Regulatory Committee (Item 3)

3 Planning Application WDC/21CC005 Warwick Parkway Railway Station, Warwick - Variation of condition 17 to allow use of PA system. pdf icon PDF 493 KB


Documents in relation to this application can be found via the following link –


WDC/21CC005 Warwick Parkway Railway Station, Warwick

Additional documents:


This item was introduced by Sally Panayi, Senior Planning Officer. The application sought to vary condition 17 of planning permission W/97/CC023, which stated “No amplified public address (PA) system shall be installed and used at the station without the prior written consent of the County Planning Authority”. The proposal sought planning permission to use and operate the existing PA system as installed, for general travel updates, security announcements and for use in emergency situations, during the operating hours of the station.


Consultation had taken place on the application with the report detailing the responses received and the 14 representations from local residents objecting to the proposal and stating 58 grounds under the headings of:


  • Quality of noise assessment
  • Impact of noise on local area
  • Requirement for a PA system
  • Community involvement.


The report outlined the previous planning history, including the call in for determination by the Secretary of State in 1998 and condition 17, stating that there should be no amplified PA system without the prior consent of the County Planning Authority. The PA system had been installed and there was annual testing to ensure the system remained in working order. To the extent that the system was used for testing, this application was in part retrospective. Permission was sought to vary condition 17 in 2012, but this was refused by the Regulatory Committee and the grounds for refusal were set out in the report.


Next, the report provided assessment and observations referring to the station’s location, the need for a PA system, access and inclusion. Environmental and amenity issues were raised particularly those related to noise.


The report set out the relevant planning legislation and policy, comprising the Section 73 application for the variation of the planning conditions imposed on an existing permission, the Development Plan provisions, the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and Warwick District Local Plan 2011-2029.


In summary, Ms Panayi said that, the application was in furtherance of the objectives of the Equality Act 2010, ensuring that all users of the station had access to information. The PA system would enable information and warnings to be given to all train users. The application was considered to comply with the policies of the NPPF and the policies within the Development Plan. In terms of noise, the noise impact assessment concluded that there was a low probability of the operation of the system having an adverse impact on health and quality of life.


Ms Panayi concluded that operating the PA system was acceptable when the benefits in terms of safety and passenger convenience, and the advantages to those with disabilities and all other users, and the desirability of encouraging sustainable travel, were balanced against the impact of the noise on local residents, with the mitigations proposed in place. Accordingly, permission was recommended for approval, subject to the conditions contained within the report.


The Chair invited members to submit technical questions. The following points were raised and answers provided: