Venue: Committee Room 2, Shire Hall. View directions
Contact: Helen Barnsley Senior Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
General Additional documents: |
Apologies To receive any apologies from Members of the Committee. Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Jan Matecki and Councillor Sarah Feeney. Councillor Rik Spencer and Councillor Caroline Phillips were present as substitutes.
Apologies were also received from Councillor Judy Falp and Councillor Chris Mills.
Disclosures of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Phillips stated that the planning application for Abbey Green Gardens (NBB/22CC001) was within her electoral division, Nuneaton Abbey.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 218 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 5 July 2022 were approved as an accurate record.
Members are asked to note the applications dealt with under delegated powers since the last meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee noted the delegated decisions made by officers since the last meeting as presented in the report.
Additional documents: Minutes: Sally Panayi (Senior Planning Officer) provided a summary of the application, stating that Abbey Green Gardens was a triangular area of grassed open space bordered by mature trees and surrounded by roads on all sides. The application sought consent for the installation of a shared cycleway/footpath to run through Abbey Green Gardens. She advised that:
· The pathway would replace the existing pedestrian and cycling facilities on Corporation Street. · It would comprise an asphalt surface raised to approximately 300mm above the existing ground level. · The proposed installation would be a non-dig construction, ensuring that the roots of trees located close by would not be disturbed. · Informal planting areas would be provided either side of the pathway. Seven new trees would be planted along the route. · It was not proposed to remove any of the mature trees located to the west of the path. · Six lighting columns would be installed along the route of the pathway. · Residents of the 84 neighbouring properties had been consulted. One objection had been received from a resident querying the need for a pathway in this location. The objection also referred to a covenant on the land which could preclude any work being undertaken on the Green. However, this had been resolved. · No objection had been raised by WCC Ecology; however, provision of a Construction and Environmental Management Plan and a Landscape and Ecological Management Plan was recommended prior to commencement of the works. · No objection had been raised by the Lead Local Flood Authority subject to a planning pre-commencement condition for the approval in writing of a detailed Surface Water Drainage Scheme. · The red line area did not extend beyond the boundary of Abbey Green Gardens. However, the application provided details of the junctions to the north and south of the site. A Road Safety Audit had been instigated to overcome concerns raised during initial consultation with WCC Highways. Amendments had been made, leading to withdrawal of the Highways objection. · The application accorded with the policies of the Local Plan and would support delivery of improved cycling infrastructure. · Subject to the conditions outlined within the report, the recommendation to the Committee was for approval.
In response to Councillor Warwick, Sally Panayi advised that the option to locate the path on the side of Abbey Green Gardens adjacent to Corporation Street had been ruled out in anticipation of potential changes to the highway layout at the junction of Corporation Street and the A444 to improve the flow of traffic.
Dan Cresswell (Team Leader – Project and Programme Management) advised that changes to the layout of Corporation Street were proposed as part of the wider Transforming Nuneaton scheme. He advised that non-dig construction could not be achieved on the carriageway side of Abbey Green Gardens. To do so, it would be necessary to elevate the level of the existing highway and footway which was not practicable.
In response to Councillor Clarke, Sally Panayi advised that creation of the footpath was a standalone project that could be implemented ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
Trustees of King Edward VI Grammar School, Stratford upon Avon PDF 74 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Paul Williams (Delivery Lead, Governance Services) introduced the report, stating that King Edward VI Grammar School in Stratford upon Avon was supported by a registered charity which was overseen by a Board of Trustees. He advised that a position on the Board was reserved for an individual nominated by Warwickshire County Council. Previously, this role had been held by former county councillor, Mr Mike Brain. Mr Brain had taken the decision to step down from the Board. There was agreement across political groups that Councillor Tim Sinclair be appointed as the Council’s nominated trustee. He sought the Committee’s approval for the nomination of Councillor Sinclair to the Board of Trustees.
The recommendation was proposed by Councillor Clarke and was seconded by Councillor Cooke. A vote was held, and the Committee voted unanimously in favour of the recommendation.
That the Regulatory Committee approves the nomination of Councillor Tim Sinclair to the Board of Trustees of the King Edward VI Grammar School, Stratford upon Avon.