Venue: Committee Room 2, Shire Hall. View directions
Contact: John Cole Senior Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
General Additional documents: |
Apologies To receive any apologies from members of the Panel. Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Barbara Brown, Councillor Jenny Fradgley and Councillor Katie Hunt.
Disclosures of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests Members are required to register their disclosable pecuniary interests within 28 days of their election of appointment to the Council. ?Any changes to matters registered or new matters that require to be registered must be notified to the Monitoring Officer as soon as practicable after they arise.
A member attending a meeting where a matter arises in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest must (unless ?they have a dispensation):
• Declare the interest if ?they have not already registered it • Not participate in any discussion or vote • Leave the meeting room until the matter has been dealt with • Give written notice of any unregistered interest to the Monitoring Officer within 28 days of the meeting
Non-pecuniary interests relevant to the agenda should be declared at the commencement of the meeting.
The public reports referred to are available on the Warwickshire Web
Additional documents: Minutes: There was none. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 126 KB To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 22 June 2023. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chair highlighted discussion of vetting and standards of police conduct at the previous meeting. He sought an update from the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC).
The PCC advised that all Warwickshire Police officers had now been re-vetted. This process had highlighted some issues which would be investigated. However, the results of re-vetting had been generally positive. A report had recently been provided by His Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) which graded the Force’s vetting processes as ‘adequate’. The Inspectorate had recommended specific improvements, some of which had already been implemented.
It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 22 June 2023 be confirmed as an accurate record and signed by the Chair.
Public Speaking Additional documents: Minutes: Dr Denise Taylor was welcomed to the meeting and invited to put her question to the Panel and Commissioner.
Dr Taylor highlighted the importance of standards of police conduct, community safety and transparency, stating that in December 2022, Warwickshire Police had issued a Community Protection Notice (CPN) on the Warwickshire Hunt on the grounds of “anti-social use of the county road network” following concerns about road safety, trespassing, anti-social behaviour, and illegal use of quad bikes. This had followed a warning notice issued on 14 May 2022 which noted “unreasonable and dangerous use of the roads” by the Hunt.
Dr Taylor stated that the conditions of the CPN required Warwickshire Hunt to give advanced notice of its events with details of the times and locations of crossing points. The CPN had also specified that the Hunt inform the Rural Crime Team of how hounds would be controlled and to notify its members of their responsibilities around designated crossing points. She emphasised that it had been clearly stated that a breach of these conditions would amount to a criminal offence.
Dr Taylor stated that the CPN had since been withdrawn prior to a court appeal scheduled for 15 August 2023. She stated that this raised serious concerns, and the circumstances of the withdrawal of the CPN had not been transparently explained to the public. Since then, the media had reported that a privately agreed protocol was in place between the Force and Warwickshire Hunt seemingly in place of the withdrawn CPN. She stated that the confidential nature of this protocol had the effect of fuelling community distrust. She emphasised that, unlike the CPN, the protocol was not enforceable in law.
Dr Taylor asked that attention be given to making the protocol publicly available in the interests of community trust and safety. Additionally, she asked what actionable and enforceable steps would be taken by Warwickshire Police to ensure that the Hunt abided by road safety regulations and community protection guidelines in future.
Councillor Poole moved that the question be referred to the PCC. This was seconded by Councillor Jarvis and agreed unanimously by the Panel.
The Commissioner thanked Dr Taylor for her questions, stating that the nature of the PCC’s role meant that he was unable to become involved in operational matters – the activities of officers came under the direction and control of the Chief Constable. He advised that he had sought information from the Force to provide a response. He advised that Warwickshire Police had issued a public statement concerning arrangements for the Warwickshire Hunt. This could be viewed on the Force’s website. He advised that a CPN had been issued by the Force outlining road safety concerns. The Hunt had exercised its right to appeal. During this process, the Force had met with members of the Warwickshire Hunt and agreed a different approach, resulting in a protocol between Warwickshire Police and Hunt. This document had been classified as exempt from publication under Section 32 of the Freedom of Information ... view the full minutes text for item 1(4) |
Report of the Police and Crime Commissioner PDF 673 KB The Report is attached for consideration and comment by the Panel. Additional documents: Minutes: The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) presented his report which provided an update on key activities since the meeting of the Panel in June 2023. He stated that the report included details of activities by the Force to promote sustainability including installation of solar panels, EV charging facilities, new boilers, and double glazing across the police estate. He stated that there was more work to be done in this area and a programme was being developed which included the prospect of an electric vehicle pilot scheme.
In respect of police officer numbers, the Commissioner advised that the latest figures showed that the Force now had 1,117 officers. This meant that Warwickshire Police was on course to meet Police Uplift Programme targets which would be measured at the end of September 2023.
The Commissioner reported that a 101 triage pilot scheme had been introduced. This had shown good early results and the average waiting time for a 101 call was now approximately one minute. The new system improved the capability of the Force to direct calls to other agencies where necessary. For example, referral of mental health matters to the Mental Health Partnership. The triage initiative presented an effective means to manage demand and its progress would continue to be monitored.
The Commissioner reported that the ‘Right Care, Right Person’ (RCRP) initiative was proposed as a partnership agreement between the Force and health and social care partners to manage mental health-related calls for service. This initiative had been devised to ensure that an individual experiencing mental health issues could be treated as soon as possible by a professional mental health nurse. However, he emphasised that the introduction of RCRP did not mean that police officers would neglect their duty to help those in distress.
The Commissioner reported that the Victims and Prisoners Bill was progressing through the Parliamentary process. This included a proposed updated statutory code for the treatment of victims of crime. He advised that Warwickshire operated a Victims Charter which encompassed many of the principles of the proposed new statutory code. This would remain in place. Positive victim and witness outcomes would also be supported by the addition of three Crown Courts in Warwickshire (taking the total to seven active courtrooms) which would help to reduce the previously reported Crown Court backlog.
In response to the Chair, the Commissioner advised that set procedures were followed by the Force in the event of a homicide. He emphasised that homicide was treated as a high priority by Warwickshire Police, ‘reducing murder and other homicides’ was also a key priority of the Government’s Beating Crime Plan. He advised that specific attention was given to homicide during ‘holding to account’ activities between the PCC and Chief Constable including a focus on how improvements could be made, not only in reacting and responding to homicides but also in the delivery of prevention initiatives.
It was resolved that the Panel would revisit this subject at a future meeting to examine the specific areas of good ... view the full minutes text for item 2. |
Appointments to the Planning & Performance Working Group PDF 85 KB To confirm arrangements for the Working Group in the 2023/24 municipal year including Terms of Reference. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair introduced the report, stating that the Panel was asked to note the membership of the Planning and Performance Working Group for 2023/24 and confirm Group’s Terms of Reference for 2023/24 as set out in the report.
Councillor Poole moved that the recommendations be accepted. This was seconded by Councillor Humphreys and agreed unanimously by the Panel.
That the Police and Crime Panel:
1. Notes the membership of the Planning and Performance Working Group for 2023/24. 2. Confirms the Planning and Performance Working Group’s Terms of Reference for 2023/24
Report of the Planning & Performance Working Group An update following the Group’s meetings on 27 July and 19 September 2023. Additional documents: Minutes: John Cole (Senior Democratic Services Officer) provided a summary of the Working Group’s activities since the last meeting of the Panel, including meetings on 27 July and 19 September 2023. He reported that Councillor Barbara Brown had been appointed as the Group’s Chair for the year ahead.
John Cole reported that at its meeting in July, the Group had given detailed attention to cyber and digital crime. The Group had also received a report looking at vetting processes and how these were monitored by the PCC. It was considered that the report provided reassurance that vetting by Warwickshire Police was undertaken to a good standard. In its analysis, the Group noted that there were clear links between organisational culture, standards of conduct, and vetting.
John Cole reported that at its meeting in September, the Group had examined the recent Force Scrutiny Report which provided an overview of Warwickshire Police’s performance during Quarter 1, 2023/24. In its analysis, the Group paid specific attention to knife crime, prevention measures to address pickpocketing, progress by the Force to address vehicle crime, victim satisfaction rates, and recent changes to the 101 Service. The Group also received a report on Burglary Detection Rates. It had been decided to focus on Environmental Sustainability at the Group’s next meeting on 8 November 2023.
Issues Raised by Community Safety Partnerships To consider any issues flagged by Community Safety Partnerships providing a means for community concerns that have high-level, strategic implications to be discussed by the Panel and Commissioner. Additional documents: Minutes: No issues had been raised by Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs) ahead of the meeting.
In response to Councillor Poole, Polly Reed (Chief Executive, OPCC) expressed support for a meeting to be held between the OPCC and CSP chairs. She stated that consideration had been given to a range of potential discussion topics which could be shared ahead of the meeting.
The Chair expressed support for this approach, stating that the meeting would be well timed following the appointment of new CSP chairs during the summer. He highlighted that a report looking at the role of CSPs was scheduled at the Panel’s next meeting on 22 November 2023. He suggested that the meeting between the OPCC and CSP chairs occur prior to this date so that its findings could feed into broader discussion of CSPs.
To consider and review the Panel’s Work Programme. Additional documents: Minutes: The Panel noted the Work Programme.
The Chair highlighted that attention would be given to future arrangements for the Panel’s working groups which would inform development of the Work Programme.
There was discussion of the Chief Constable’s address to the Panel. In January 2023, a visit to Stuart Ross House had been arranged allowing the Panel to meet the Chief Constable and senior leadership team of the Force. This had proved to be informative, and consideration would be given to the prospect of holding a similar event as an alternative to a formal address by the Chief Constable.
Dates of Meetings To note the arrangements for future meetings. Meetings will start at 2pm, unless specified otherwise. The following meetings are scheduled to be held at Shire Hall, Warwick:
· 22 November 2023 (at 10am) · 5 February 2024 · 7 March 2024 Additional documents: Minutes: The Panel noted the dates of future meetings.
Any Urgent Items At the discretion of the Chair, items may be raised which are considered urgent (please notify Democratic Services in advance of the meeting). Additional documents: Minutes: There was none.
Reports Containing Confidential or Exempt Information To consider passing the following resolution:
“That members of the public be excluded from the meeting for the items mentioned below on the grounds that their presence would involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.” Additional documents: Minutes: As there were no complaints to consider, there was no requirement to enter confidential session. |
Complaints To consider any complaints received and considered regarding the conduct of the Police and Crime Commissioner. Minutes: There was none.
The meeting rose at 15.30. |