Venue: Committee Room 2, Shire Hall. View directions
Contact: Paul Spencer Senior Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
General Additional documents: |
Apologies Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Kate Rolfe, Councillor Kyle Evans (Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council) and Nigel Minns. Councillor Penny-Anne O’Donnell recorded apologies for her for late arrival. |
Disclosures of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests Additional documents: Minutes: None. |
Chair’s Announcements Additional documents: Minutes: Members stood to observe a minute’s silence in memory of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. A welcome was extended to the recently elected County Councillor Ian Shenton who had joined the Committee. |
Minutes of previous meetings PDF 129 KB To receive the Minutes of the committee meeting held on 22 June 2022. Additional documents: Minutes: The Minutes of the committee meeting held on 22 June 2022 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair. |
Public Speaking Additional documents: Minutes: None. |
Questions to Portfolio Holders Up to 30 minutes of the meeting is available for members of the Committee to put questions to the Portfolio Holder: Councillor Margaret Bell (Adult Social Care and Health) on any matters relevant to the remit of this Committee.
Additional documents: Minutes: None. |
Questions to the NHS Members of the Committee are invited to give notice of questions to NHS commissioners and service providers at least 10 working days before each meeting. A list of the questions and issues raised will be provided to members.
Additional documents: Minutes: None. |
Council Plan 2022-2027 - Quarter 1 Performance Progress Report PDF 113 KB For the Committee to consider and comment on the Quarter 1 organisational performance and progress against the Integrated Delivery Plan. Additional documents:
Minutes: Becky Hale, Chief Commissioning Officer (Health and Care), Warwickshire County Council and South Warwickshire Foundation Trust (SWFT) introduced this item and gave a presentation to pull out key messages. It summarised the Council’s performance at the end of the first quarter (April-June 2022) against the strategic priorities and areas of focus set out in the Council Plan 2022-2027. This report drew out relevant areas within the Committee’s remit from that presented to Cabinet on 8th September. Sections of the report together with detailed supporting appendices focussed on:
The report provided a combined picture of the Council’s delivery, performance, and risk. The overall performance remained strong, despite the current external environment. There were eleven key business measures (KBMs) within the remit of the Committee. Of these, nine were reportable at quarter 1, with seven of the KBMs assessed as being on track and two were not on track.
The report detailed notable performance in the broad area of ‘support people to live healthy, happy and independent lives’ area of focus. It set out expected trajectories for performance, for areas deemed more volatile than usual, as a result of the reported external factors.
There were some actions identified as ‘at risk’. These related to capital programmes and projects, linked to current inflation levels and supply chain challenges. One of the Council’s strategic risks related to adult social care and health directly (widening of social, health, and economic inequalities post pandemic). Two others related to inflation and the cost of living. The economy might impact on service provision and service demand. At the service level, two risks had been higher than target for three consecutive quarters, those being the risk of care market failure and the risk of an ongoing impact on Public Health resources from responding to Covid-19.
The presentation included slides on:
Questions and comments were invited with responses provided as indicated:
Hospital Discharge The Committee will receive a joint presentation on hospital discharge from health and the county council. This will include Discharge to Assess and Complex Discharge Pathways. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received a joint presentation from Laura Gibson of George Eliot Hospital (GEH), Helen Lancaster of the Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Board (C&WICB), together with County Council officers, Zoe Mayhew and Denise Cross. This presentation on ‘Ambulance Turnaround, Winter Plan & Discharge Pathways’ included slides on:
Debate took place on the following areas:
For the Committee to review and update its 2022-23 work programme. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee discussed its work programme. The Chair confirmed that engagement was planned on the Integrated Care Partnership Strategy which would be considered at the November committee.
The Chair referred to the South Warwickshire Community Hospital Review. Member feedback had been requested about the future engagement requirements for this review. It was suggested that it be via the Portfolio Holder, Councillor Bell, who could then provide periodic updates to the Committee. A discussion ensued about this review and a wider bed review for the south of Warwickshire. A public meeting had taken place the previous evening. The Portfolio Holder was not aware of a wider bed review or that the community hospital beds formed part of it. Becky Hale clarified that there was work to assess the sufficiency of bed provision in care environments to support hospital discharge over the winter period. This was separate from the community hospital review. Councillor Bell provided further context on the status of the community hospitals. Patients recovering at these locations were not considered to be discharged from hospital in the same way as if they were placed in a care home. Councillor O’Donnell added that one of the community hospitals, Ellen Badger was currently closed. She spoke of the value of these facilities, the need for the committee to revisit this review and the strength of feeling at the public meeting. It was agreed to include an item on the next Committee agenda to revisit this issue. Councillor O’Donnell asked that the SWFT Chief Executive, Glen Burley be invited to the meeting to update members, which was agreed. If there was more information available ahead of the next committee it would be circulated to members.
Resolved That the Committee notes the work programme as submitted, with the addition to the November meeting of the item on the Community Hospital Review. |