Agenda and draft minutes

Warwickshire Waste Partnership - Wednesday 4 September 2024 2.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 2, Shire Hall. View directions

Contact: Nicole Conway  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item






Apologies were received from Councillor Sarah Millar and Councillor Jill Sheppard.



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None disclosed. 



Chair's Announcement





Minutes of the previous meeting, including matters arising pdf icon PDF 126 KB


Minutes from previous meeting 5 June 2024 were approved as being an accurate record.



Welcome and introduction to new members


The Chair welcomed new members Councillor Alison Livesey from Rugby Borough Council and in her absence, Councillor Jill Sheppard from Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council.



Waste Management Performance Data Q1 and Estimated Annual Data pdf icon PDF 117 KB


Andrew Pau (Head of Waste Management) introduced the report and highlighted the following points:

  • Provisional Performance – Countywide, recycling collection increased by 550 tonnes, with recycling rates also rising and composting maintaining a stable performance. Although composting is highly dependent on weather conditions and can be unpredictable, it is currently demonstrating consistent results.
  • Residual waste was down 750 tonnes while energy from waste had increased.
  • Overall household waste had reduced by 200 tonnes.
  • Estimated Performance for 2024/2025 (household waste) – The data included figures and assumptions to provide tentative indicators for the entire financial year. This is done by comparing updated data from this financial year and data from last financial year.
  • Recycling and compost performance varied across the county with the understanding that waste collection was different across the county.


Councillor Livesey asked Andrew Pau to explain how the performance data works. This resulted in general discussions and confirmation that the table and data were an important benchmarking tool with district and borough councils, past and future data as well as other similar authorities. Andrew Pau offered meetings with members to explain the data and tables.


The Partnership noted the provisional data for the first quarter (April, May, June) 2024/2025.



Updates on the Resources and Waste Strategy for England


Ruth Dixon (Lead Commissioner – Waste Strategy and Contracts) gave a verbal update on the following points.


·       The set of forthcoming national waste policy changes includes Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging (EPR), where brand owners will pay Local Authorities to manage all household packaging starting April 2025. By November 2024, councils will have an estimate of the funding. Data will be collected via a portal to determine future funding. This funding will cover collecting, sorting, recycling, and/or disposal of packaging waste. From 2026, it will include litter from bins but not ground litter.

·       Simpler recycling (previously called consistency in the collection of recycling). The last update was June 2024 which confirmed that:

o   Recycling could be collected comingled.

o   Garden waste collections could be chargeable.

o   Food waste could be collected within garden waste, but it could not be charged for and must be collected weekly.

It was stipulated by Central Government by statutory guidance (not regulation) that residual waste was to be collected at least every two weeks. Stratford District and Warwick District Councils are currently addressing the matter to determine the appropriate response, given they are contractually committed to three weekly residual waste collections. The Borough councils have had to consider that in their planning of future waste collection arrangements. It was specified to all Councils that food waste collection, part of Simpler Recycling, should be collected weekly, but not necessarily separately, from April 2026. Each Borough Council had been provided with funding (see item 5 of this agenda).

·       Deposit Return scheme – for drink containers made of metal and plastic only, tetra pack, glass and other material types will not be collected. This was still due to commence in 2026. More information to come once officers attend conferences with WRAP and DEFRA. An update would be provided at the December meeting.


Ruth advised of a DEFRA forum which was available for interested members to watch. This was a repeated forum from August 2024.  Defra Forum Monday 14 October 


In confirmation to Councillor Bell, Ruth clarified the options on food waste collection, mix food waste and green waste together and collect fortnightly with an additional food waste collection on the in between weeks. Or collect food waste with the green waste to be collected every week. Or keep food waste and green waste separate, collecting food waste weekly and green waste on a separate schedule and charge for it. Ruth confirmed with Councillor Bell that food waste must be collected weekly whichever option was selected.


Claire Preston (RBC) added that the Deposit Returns Scheme was set to commence in October 2027.


In replay to Rob Bellamy (NWBC) Ruth confirmed that food waste collection should be free of charge so if the food and green waste was combined residents could not be charged.



Food Waste Collection Plans


Alastair Blunkett (NBBC) gave a brief update to the group. The three Boroughs have reached out to DEFRA to request further funding. For NBBC, this correspondence has yet to be acknowledged. RBC have received separate emails with some additional funding offered. It is believed that as part of the spending review of the new Government, it will look at food waste. In the meantime, the boroughs were working behind the scenes to work out costs involved. There were concerns highlighted of the 300 other councils who also need to implement this scheme by April 2026 and procure new staff, new vehicles, new containers as well. NBBC and RBC have recruited a shared project manager for two boroughs with Rob Bellamy managing the process at NWBC. A report from WRAP was received by NBBC after analysis of their rounds, advising on what was needed. The next step was to bring a consultant to look at the proposals and how to progress it forward.


It was noted that NBBC recycling waste contract ends with Coventry City Council on 31 March 2026.


Claire Preston (RBC) added that she has gone direct to DEFRA with no response. It was decided to carry on with getting the report to members for a decision. The report was delayed for a month to allow the industry time to deliver updates. Claire added that energy security would be partly made up of food waste energy with National Grid expecting 15% of energy to be from food waste.


Andrew Pau added that WCC supports the three Borough councils with their food waste collections objectives. Councils were still waiting to hear from the new central Government on their waste agenda with the only definite being Extended Producer Responsibility Payments commencing in 2025. WCC is optimistic that the government will adhere to guidelines indicated.  The County Council was flexible in its arrangements to support future separate collection of food waste such as the contracts in place to allow for the food waste recycling for the whole of the county. Andrew sympathised with waste collection colleagues who have had some funding but are lacking clarity from Central Government on set-up revenue payments and future revenue payments.


Claire Preston added another uncertainty was if Councils were unable to start collections in April 2026 would there be any sanctions or penalties especially as many were in queues for suppliers and staffing. Claire advised she would be raising this with LARAC.


The Chair observed that there were still 300 councils still to move to weekly food waste collections which could result in a delay in supply of vehicles and containers.


Andrew added his reassurance that the April 2026 date will need to be a flexible date to allow procurement of supplies, as it was acknowledged that significant work remains to be done.



Waste Partners Update pdf icon PDF 96 KB


Warwick District Council (WDC)

Jamie Wicks advised that there was nothing additional to add to the written report.


North Warwickshire Borough Council (NWBC)

Rob Bellamy (Interim Head of Streetscape) nothing further to add to the report, however asked the group if there had been any more instances of fires in vehicles. Rob advised that since communications being sent out to NWBC residents and since the last meeting there had only been one fire. This was a reduction over the previous period.  


Ruth Dixon (WCC) added that there was a fire at Princes Drive Recycling Centre which was likely due some sort of electric item, battery or vape placed into general waste.


Claire Preston (RBC) advised of a fire involving an electric scooter which was compacted in the waste collection vehicle. 


Rugby Borough Council (RBC)

Claire Preston introduced members to the new Waste Services Manager, Rachael Savage. 


Claire advised that:

·       There was a plan to introduce WEEE (waste electrical and electronic equipment) and battery recycling at the kerbside. This however had been delayed slightly due to some health and safety issues.


Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (NBBC)

Alastair Blunkett added in addition to the report, that:

·       considerable effort had been invested into the food waste collections.

·       two new Refuse Collection Vehicles (RCV) had been added to the fleet.

·       there had been a positive uptake in bulky waste collection.

·       communications to be sent out targeting those who place incorrect waste out and are addressing fly tipping with other partners and correcting misunderstandings with residents on bulky waste collections and leaving items on verges.


Stratford District Council (SDC)

Craig Bourne commented on the following points.

·       HVO (hydrogenated vegetable oil) fuel to be used on all Stratford front line vehicles from October 2024. Documents were signed this week, and the next step was procurement.

·       Coffee pod collections were going well. Strong results were reported with close to 4.7% of households across Warwick and Stratford Districts registered and almost 2 million pods collected since commencement of the scheme.

·       Craig introduced a new member, Suzanne Llewelyn to the group.


The Waste Partnership acknowledged the updates on the various waste activities taking place in each area since the last partnership meeting in June 2024.


Action on Climate Change


The Chair introduced action on climate change and advised that Warwickshire County Council was engaged in extensive efforts behind the scenes related to energy and waste management.


Andrew Pau had nothing to add but invited others to contribute to the discussion.


Lorraine Grocott (SDC) advised that Stratford District held a Climate Assembly on 5 September 2024 commemorating five years since Stratford District declared a climate emergency. It was also to celebrate what had been achieved over the last three years and to showcase what was planned for the future. Local business, organisations and schools were involved with keynote speakers and workshops. This was supported by officers from WCC, as well as officers from Coventry City Council and Warwick District Council. The Chair, the portfolio holder for Environment, Climate and Culture expressed her regret and gave her apologies at not attending, explaining that the event clashed with Warwickshire County Council’s Cabinet meeting in which she had several reports to present.


Alison Livesey (RBC) advised the group that on 9 November 2024, Rugby Borough were running a World Café Day with residents to have their input on adaptation to climate change. This was running alongside the Ice and Fire Exhibition at the art gallery and museum about climate change. Alison advised that Mary Creagh, Minister for Nature and Coventry MP had been invited, as well as an independent chair from Birmingham University.


Ruth Dixon updated the group on EcoFest which was held on 31 August 2024 in Leamington Spa. Warwick District had a stand inviting residents to comment on adaptation and biodiversity. WDC officers were engaging people about recycling and kerbside service. Ruth discussed reducing food waste with visitors as well as composting workshops and subsidised bins. While there WCC signed up some primary schools for talks on food waste reduction. WCC were funding an Eco-Schools programme, which would see schools sign up for three topics with the intention of getting their green flag.


Ruth informed the group on the hour-long food waste workshop she would be facilitating at Stratford District Council’s Climate Assembly with feedback to be brought to the next meeting.



Agenda item suggestions for next meeting



Dates of future meetings
