Agenda and minutes

This will be a Sub-Committee, Health and Wellbeing Board - Thursday 13 June 2024 9.30 am

Venue: Committee Room 2, Shire Hall. View directions

Contact: Amy Bridgewater-Carnall  Senior Democratic Services Officer


No. Item



Additional documents:


The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.



Additional documents:


There were none.


Members' Disclosures of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests

Additional documents:


There were none.


Better Care Fund Plan 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 129 KB

A report requesting approval of the final version of the updated Better Care Fund Plan for 2024/25, along with a request to note the Addendum to the Better Care Fund Policy and Planning Requirements for 2024/25.

Additional documents:


The Sub-Committee received a report which outlined the Addendum to the Better Care Fund Policy Framework for 2024/25.


Rachel Briden, Integrated Partnership Manager, introduced the report which summarised the Better Care Fund Plan submission for 2024/2025.   She reminded Members that the 2023-25 Plan had been previously approved, however, there was now a requirement to submit any changes from the original for 2024/25.


Rachel Briden signposted Members to the Better Care Fund Planning Template 2024/25 attached as an appendix to the report.  The deadline set for submission had already passed on 10 June 2024 but HWBB Sub Committee approval, post submission, was acceptable, with any amendments raised to be resubmitted after the meeting.  In short, the appendix detailed the finances, metrics and capacity and demand as the three key areas of focus.


Members noted the four National Conditions detailed at section 1.6 of the report along with the funding contributions table at section 2.2.  The table detailed the increased allocation for the Disabled Facilities Grant, the ICB Discharge Fund and WCC Aligned Budgets.


The report highlighted the timescales to which the partner meetings and boards had received the plan and provided assurance of the governance processes that would be followed.  It was hoped that formal approval letters from NHS England would be provided by the end of July 2024.


Rachel Briden gave a thorough overview of the planning template, explaining in detail the different sections and the information contained within each one.


Councillor Bell raised a query relating to the Capacity and Demand details on page 19 of the pack.  This showed a deficit for pathway 1, ‘Reablement & Rehabilitation at home’ and Councillor Bell asked what the impact would be if the shortfall was not met.  Rachel Briden advised that conversations were ongoing with the ICB around the shortfall and impact.  Additional funding from NHSE had been forthcoming last year as part of the national front runner pilot, but ultimately the impact may be that patients stayed in hospital for longer.


It was also noted that patients on Pathway 1, if impacted, may be able to access Pathway 2, ‘Reablement and Rehabilitation in a bedded setting’.  Nigel Minns reminded Members that demand was not steady throughout the year and was impacted by peaks and troughs, which would also reflect on capacity levels at times.


Councillor Bell queried the accuracy of some of the figures in the ‘Demand – Hospital Discharge’ table.  She was advised that the figures were based on acute plans but it was difficult for the ICB to breakdown the Coventry and Warwickshire patient numbers.


The capacity and demand figures for the Community pathways were discussed along with the different finance streams and updated outputs for 2024 to 2025.


Councillor Roodhouse asked for clarification on how the changes to budgets were agreed between the ICB and WCC.  Rachel Briden explained that the figures were prepared by the Finance Sub-Group to the Joint Commissioning Board before being agreed.  She highlighted that the base budgets had increased as a result of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.