Agenda and draft minutes

Schools Forum - Thursday 16 January 2020 1.00 pm

Contact: Neill Butler 

No. Item




1.              Apologies & Resignations


Apologies were received from the following Members:


Chris Atkins

Chetwynd Junior School (Maintained Governor)

Mark McGillicuddy

Woodlands School/Unity MAT (Special Academy Governor)

Nick Wylie

Cubbington Primary School (Maintained Governor)

Philip Johnson

Whitestone Infant (Maintained Governor)

Simon Lomax

Nuneaton Academy (Academy)

Steve Jefferies

Henley-in-Arden School (Academy)


Apologies were received from the following Officer:


Richard Ennis

Assistant Director (Interim) - Finance


The following members did not attend and did not give their apologies:


Adam Hardy

Catholic Church Archdiocese

Eileen Hunter

Teachers’ Union Representative


Since the December 2019 meeting Simon Lomax - Nuneaton Academy has resigned from Schools Forum.


It was confirmed that we would continue to hold elections in March 2020 for Schools Forum members rather than undertaking elections now for the vacancies.





Minutes of Last Meeting pdf icon PDF 785 KB


1.         Minutes of the Last Meeting


It was reported that there were several “typo’s” in the minutes of the Schools Forum meeting on 5 December 2019 and the final minutes would be amended accordingly.


Action: Neill Butler to amend the minutes.



Update of Matters Arising pdf icon PDF 607 KB


1.         Update on Matters Arising

Neill Butler went through the update.

Jane Burrows noted on Page 7 regarding Admissions Service about legal position (rebate being back-dated for 2018/19) – this is still outstanding and to be carried forward


The following was agreed regarding the record of members:

           Noted that Alison Davies was not a no-show as she had not received papers because an old email had been used.

           It was agreed that in the future where there are 3 no-shows, Jane will send the Schools Forum Member a letter to remind them of their commitment to attend meetings.

           Alison Bardsley raised that where 3 apologies, becomes equivalent to a no show

           It was agreed that as part of the new year election the importance of attendance will be reinforce.




Early Years National Funding Formula 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 780 KB


Early Years National Funding Formula 2020/21


Neill Butler presented the report.


The report covers 2 issues. Amending the existing rate and applying the additional funding from Government from April 2020


There are 2 rates: the universal rate and the deprivation rate.


Previous assumptions indicated that 1 in 4 pupils attracted deprivation funding.


Over the summer information was provided by the be Early Years Team which suggested that only 1 in 8 pupils attracted the deprivation rate.


This means that from April 2020 the universal rate, deprivation rate or both could be increased.


The Early Years Working Group proposed that the deprivation rate should stay the same and to increase the universal rate which would benefit all Early Years providers.


This would move the universal rate from £3.96 per hour to £4.02 per hour.


In December 2019 the Government announced that is was raising the early years rates by £0.08 per hour. After taking a top slice of 5% this would leave £0.07 to be applied to the universal rate so increasing it to £4.09 per hour.


Nicci Burton:  what is cost for 2 year olds when top slice is taken?  Answer – no top slice for 2 year olds

Sarah Bromley – Will council keep 1p?  Answer Yes will keep 22p/hr instead of 21p.  The additional £0.01 top slice equates to approx. £65k.  Sarah then asked if the council consider not keeping 1p; and passporting the full 8p.  Birmingham passing the full amount. And Worcestershire are retaining 1p for Special Needs provision.


Neill responded by saying that we had considered other options but it was felt that to top slice the whole allocation by 5% was a more consistent approach.


Alison Bardsley – why are the most vulnerable children not getting share of the increase?  Answer: Working group is of view £0.53 is sufficient within deprivation rates.  Base rate is so low, so to increase it goes to all children including those in deprivation.  This is in addition to the Early Years Per Pupil Premium which is more effective factor re deprived children (rather than based on post code).


Neill committed to taking it back to working group.  But can’t delay the decision. 


Proposal is to make a decision on 7p with further decision regarding the 1p to come later

to the March meeting.


Neill committed to taking it back to working group.  But can’t delay the decision. 


In favour – unanimous yes


Action: Neill Butler to take 5% centrally retained funding back to the Early Years Working Group




Schools National Funding Formula 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 615 KB


School National Funding Formula 2020/21


Neill Butler presented the report.


WCC have received an 6.81% Increase in Schools Block DSG. We were expecting a rise of 4% due to the increase in pupil led funding factors and 1.7% due to increase in pupil number. We have, therefore, received an increase of 1.1% above expectations.


The reason for this increase is due to more money being allocated by the DfE for our Primary Units of Funding offset by a slight decrease in our Secondary Units of Funding.


This means we can implement the ‘hard’ NFF in 2020/21 and still have £2.7 million surplus. The issue for Schools Forum is how do we consult with schools on how we allocate this money, subject to any outcome form the 0.5% disapplication.


The surplus will in the short term be held against the Growth Fund allocation as there are future years budget pressures on this fund.


A paper will be brought back to Schools Forum in March 2020 with proposals for consultation with schools on the surplus.


Becky Harrison: how many schools are in deficit?  Neill Butler: About 20 maintained schools in deficit with some being small schools. The changes to the funding formula for 2020/21 favours larger schools.


Sybil Hanson: actual situation at small primaries is still not good, so every pound they get from schools block is welcome.


Alison Davis: overall agreeing that secondaries and large primaries not impacted – but small primaries would be impacted – so consider using the surplus focusing on small primaries. 


Christine Marshall – out of county spend is difficult.  In background, Christine can confirm how hard they have worked to take in pupils who 1/2/3 years ago would have gone OOC.  Her school cohort has changed dramatically.  Is a national headline that children are getting are more complex.  Need to not look at OOC spend or numbers; need to look at that in conjunction with total numbers/demand.


Jane Burrows: flagged that for 0.5% transfer guidance states that Schools Forum must see details of demand on the High Needs budget in order for it to make informed decisions. Jane went on to say that as far as she is aware this has never happened.


Nicci Burton – fear for most heads is that true overspend is masked.




(1)       Advise Cabinet to move to the ‘hard’ NFF in 2020/21. This was agreed Unanimously


(2)       Vote re move from 0.5% from schools block to the high needs block: In favour 3; against 10; abstaining 3


(3) Paper for consultation to schools: This was agreed Unanimously


Action: Neill Butler to bring a report back to Schools Forum in March outlining the consultation process with schools to distribute any unallocated schools block funding.


Ian Budd will see Leader of the Council, Izzi Seccombe, this afternoon, who will decide whether to continue with disapplication or withdraw it. The Recovery plan will need to be done closely with SF and HNT&F group.  May need some ‘away time’ re SEN transformation programme;  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Special School Funding Formula 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 585 KB


Special Schools Funding Formula 2020/21


Neill Butler introduced the report.


2 schools of the 3 maintained Special Schools responded and both were in favour.  Since paper drafted, have new census data, so Round Oak would lose £19,000 not £60,000 as per the Appendix


Amy Woodward – 2 schools responded – were they the ones doing better?  Answer was yes.

Round Ook has IEB in place so is this fair to change their funding detrimentally when they are vulnerable right now?


Nicci Burton – did non-responding schools give any response? No


Vote – Unanimously in favour of moving to a single census point



Schools Block Disapplication Consultation


7.       Schools Block Disapplication Consultation


Jane Carter presented the report.


Nicci Burton asked a question about why we received less than expected.  Jane Carter said she had a response from a DfE advisor and this will be forwarded on. It was calculated on number of factors that don’t benefit the Shire counties.  Eg low deprivation and high attainment – it works against you.  Metropolitans have therefore done better with the extra funding – and have been able to reinstate services that they had previously cut.  We are in the reverse position of this and are struggling to clear the deficit. Only got £4.8m.  So we remain one of the lowest funded authorities and hence why WCC is a member of the f40 Group.


Jane Burrows asked if this is being escalated and taken to National level.  Ian Budd confirmed that it is.


Jane Carter went on to say that the current overspend is £5.4m. Waiting to hear if regulations will change based on consultation.  If LA cannot fund current in year overspend; increases to £11.8m when combine 20/21 overspend.


Jane Burrows asked how likely is it that LA can’t fund 19/20 deficit? Ian Budd responded  – can’t predict and do not yet know when outcome will be confirmed


Last schools forum discussed the 0.5% and disapplication to avoid deadline being missed but Schools Forum were not asked to make a decision on this at that time.  Need to make decision today about withdrawing the disapplication or proceeding with it..


Jane Carter outlined the results of the consultation


·         Response rate improved compared to last consultation.

·         21% response rate.  48 responses out of 230 schools. 

·         43 responses said no 90%

·         4 responses said yes 8%

·         2 responses made no comment 2%


Jane Burrows: do we know if the responses were secondary schools as this would represent higher number of pupils. Neill Butler informed Schools Forum that 11 responses were received from secondary schools and 37 from primary schools. This represented 31% of secondary schools and 19% of primary schools responding to the disapplication consultation


Jane Carter then gave an overview of the comments received from schools:


Ian Budd confirmed that the NFF can be implemented.  So, the last 3 questions on consultation are void, as we can meet the NFF now that we have the final allocation


Ian Budd expressed gratitude for those who take on system leadership roles e.g. schools forum; Task and Finish groups, etc.  and this is a system-wide issue for Schools Forum to consider

Moving £1.7m reduces but doesn’t eradicate overspend


Report from High Needs Task & Finish Group gave detail of patterns of provision in County (Oct report) and talked about plans in short term and medium term. If overspend remains over 1% in 2019/20 we must compile a recovery plan to the DfE.


Ian Budd talked through flowchart and the decision-making process regarding the 0.5%. Ian supported the recommendation to transfer 0.5% to high needs and the fact that the challenge will be £1.7m greater if we  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


DSG Monitoring Report 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 907 KB


7.       DSG Monitoring Report 2020/21


Purnima Sherwood presented this report.


Amy Woodward: asked what the £0.528 million overspend on ABP in paragraph 4.2? Jane Carter said she would confirm what this related too.


Clive Sentence: raised concerns over the underspend on admission as this needs to be spend as the service is in danger of imploding.




SF agreed unanimously to carry forwards Growth Fund underspends to the following year.




High Needs DSG Budget Allocations 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 785 KB


High Need DSG Budget Allocation 2020/21


Purnima Sherwood went through the report.


Jane Burrows: commented on the increase of £700 million and how this is reflected against increased pupil numbers in Warwickshire.



Central Schools Services DSG Budget Allocations 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 703 KB


Central Schools Services DSG Budget Allocation 2020/21


Purnima Sherwood presented the report


Jane Burrows: Asked why paragraph 2.3 suggested pupil led funding was going down whilst pupil number had been said to be going up in other agenda items. Becky Robinson to follow this up.





Assistant Directors Update


This was covered under item 7.



Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 689 KB


Neill Butler presented the forward plan.



Chair’s Business



F40 – have a fair funding conference in March for anyone interested. This was circulated earlier today to SF.


Time and Date of the Next School’s Forum


1:00 pm – 4:00 pm, Thursday 19th March 2020, Northgate House Conference Centre, Warwick