No. | Item |
Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved
That the Portfolio Holder for Transport and Planning:
1. Authorises the Strategic Director for Communities to enter an agreement with Warwick District Council that would enable WCC to receive £1.2m from WDC to deliver the redevelopment of Leamington Spa Rail Station Forecourt on terms and conditions acceptable to the Strategic Director of Resources. The £1.2m was secured by WDC as part of a Commonwealth Games funding package to improve local infrastructure. WCC will match fund the project with a £60k contribution funded through existing capital from Transport and Highways.
2. Authorises the Strategic Director for Communities to let the contract for the works for the redevelopment of Leamington Spa Rail Station forecourt. The works also include upgrading the station underpass on terms and conditions acceptable to the Strategic Director for Resources.
3. Subject to the funding being made available approves the addition of the scheme to the Capital Programme 2020/21 and 2021/22 |
Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved
That the Deputy Leader approves to decisions –
(1) To approve the framework for the County Council’s response to the Government’s consultation, as set out in paragraph 7.3. and the draft response at Appendix A.
(2) To authorise the Strategic Director for Resources to update the draft response, prior to its submission to Government, subject to any amendments being consistent with the approved framework. |