Contact: Helen Barnsley Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Getting Building Fund: Cycling Network Expansion and Art Challenge projects Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved
That the Leader
· Approves acceptance of the Getting Building Fund grants for the Warwickshire Cycling Network Expansion project (£1.9 million) and Arts Challenge Fund project (£0.194 million), and
· Delegates authority to the Strategic Director for Communities to enter into the grant agreement with Coventry and Warwickshire LEP for the Cycle Links and Art Challenge Projects and to enter any other necessary legal agreements to give effect to the projects on terms and conditions acceptable to the Strategic Director for Resources.
· Approves, the addition of the A452 Kenilworth Road to Leamington Spa town centre cycle route to the capital programme at a cost of £0.56 million funded by the GBF, the allocation of £0.482 million from the GBF to the existing A422 Stratford Gyratory capital scheme to deliver improved cycle infrastructure on the A422 Alcester Road Stratford-upon-Avon and the allocation of £0.858 million from the GBF to the existing A429 M40 J15 to A46/B4115 capital scheme to deliver a series of cycle infrastructure improvements within and connecting to this transport corridor.
· Approves the addition of the Arts Challenge Fund project to the capital programme at a maximum value of £0.279 million funded by the £0.194 million Getting Building Fund grant and £0.085 million allocation from the County Council’s Place Shaping and Capital Feasibility Fund. |
School Term Dates 2022/23 Additional documents:
Minutes: Resolved
That the Portfolio Holder for Education and Learning approves the school term and holiday dates for the 2022/23 academic year as set out in the published report. |