Contact: Helen Barnsley Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Addition of Developer-funded Highway Schemes to the Capital Programme Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved
That the Deputy Leader (Finance and Property) gives approval to add the following schemes to the Capital Programme:
1. Construct two new bus stops on Orton Road near to the junction with Barn End Road in Warton. Approximate cost £9k.
2. Upgrading the existing bus stop infrastructure on Knights Lane (5 bus stops) in Tiddington. Approximate cost £19k.
3. Upgrading a bus stop in the vicinity of the new development to provide a bus shelter on Birmingham Road in Stratford-upon-Avon. Approximate cost £94k.
4. Improving or providing bus stops along bus routes in the vicinity of the development in Bishopton Lane in Stratford-upon-Avon. Approximate cost £17k. |
Developer -Funded S278 Highway Schemes Approvals Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved
That the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Property gives approval to:
1. the addition of the s278 fully funded developer-funded highway improvement scheme at B4438 Brinklow Road, Binley Heath to the Capital Programme for 2021/2022. Estimated value £120,000.
2. increase the capital programme provision for the s278 highway improvement scheme at B4632 (Freshfields Nursery), Clifford Chambers, to £710,000
3. increase the capital programme provision for the s278 highway improvement scheme at C43 Gallows Hill (Strawberry Fields), Warwick to £1,950,000 and authorises the Strategic Director for Communities to procure the construction contract and to enter into such contract on terms and conditions acceptable to the Strategic Director for Resources subject to the applicable Section 278 Agreement with the Developer being signed which will provide for 100% of the funding. |
North Warwickshire Borough - TRO Variation 3 - Electric Vehicles Additional documents:
Minutes: Resolved
That the Portfolio Holder for Transport and Planning approves the abandonment of the making of the below named Variation Order as advertised and consulted upon between 14 January 2021 and 5 February 2021: -
“The Warwickshire County Council (Borough of North Warwickshire) (Waiting Restrictions and On-street Parking Places) (Consolidation) (Variation No. 3 (Electric Vehicles)) Order 2021” |
Warwick District TRO Variation No. 7 - Electric Vehicles Additional documents:
Minutes: Resolved
That the Portfolio Holder for Transport and Planning approves the making of the below named Variation Order as consulted upon between 14 January 2021 and 5 February 2021, with the modifications described in this Report: -
1.1 “The Warwickshire County Council (District of Warwick) (Civil Enforcement Area) (Waiting Restrictions, On-street parking places and Residents parking) (Consolidation) (Variation No.7 (Electric Vehicles)) Order 2021” with the following modification:
1.2 That all references to Northgate Street contained within the proposed Variation Order as advertised and consulted upon between 14 January 2021 and 5 February 2021 are removed, and that the parking arrangements currently in place in Northgate Street remain. No charge points will be installed in Northgate Street at the present time. |
Country Parks Fees and Charges 2021/2022 Additional documents:
Minutes: Resolved
That the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Heritage & Culture approves the fees and charges as set out in the report and appendices. |
Recycling Centre Fees and Charges 2021/22 Additional documents:
Minutes: Resolved
1) Approval be given for the changes to waste fees and charges from 1 April 2021, as set out in the Appendix.
2) Authority is delegated to the Strategic Director for Communities to make variations to specific fees and charges during the financial year 2021/22 in response to material changes in the costs of waste disposal and management other than those known at the time of this decision.
3) All charges continue to be reviewed at least annually to allow for future gate fee and/or haulage increases and inflation. |
Change of Age Range at Exhall Cedars Infant School Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved
That the Portfolio Holder for Education and Learning agrees to the undertaking of a public consultation on changing the age range at Exhall Cedars Infant School and at St Matthew’s Bloxham Church of England Primary School with effect from September 2021. |