Contact: Helen Barnsley Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Capital Investment Fund - HWRC Haulage Provision Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved
That the Leader of the Council
· approve £412,500 from the Capital Investment Fund for the purchase of three HWRC haulage vehicles and add to the Capital Programme
· authorise the Strategic Director for Communities to procure and enter into any agreements to give effect to the proposals in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Environment, Climate and Culture on terms and conditions acceptable to the Strategic Director for Resources |
Clifford Chambers Property Flood Resilience Scheme Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved
That the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Property approve the addition of the Clifford Chambers Property Flood Resilience Scheme (PFR), total scheme estimate £166,654 to Warwickshire County Council’s 2021/22 Capital Programme subject to The Flood Defence Grant of £156,654 being secured. |
Engagement for Warwickshire's Dementia Strategy Additional documents:
Minutes: Resolved
That the Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care & Health approves a period of engagement on the draft Dementia Strategy, to commence in the Summer of 2021 to inform the final version of the Strategy which will be presented to Cabinet for approval; with the additional point to be added (after point 2.8 of the report)
2.9 Adult Social Care and Heath Overview and Scrutiny Committee will also be briefed about the engagement plans and invited to contribute to the engagement. All Warwickshire County Councillors will also be emailed directly to invite them to take part in the engagement. |