Agenda and minutes

Portfolio Holder Decisions/Leader Decisions - Friday 18 March 2022 12.00 pm

Contact: Isabelle Moorhouse  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Broadwell Property Flood Resilience Scheme pdf icon PDF 287 KB

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Approve the addition of the Broadwell Property Flood Resilience Scheme (PFR), total scheme estimate £140,750 to Warwickshire County Council’s 2021/22 Capital Programme subject to The Flood Defence Grant of £122,750 being secured.


Consultation on Age Range Change - St John's Primary School pdf icon PDF 202 KB

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That the Portfolio Holder for Education and Learning agrees to the undertaking of a public consultation on changing the age ranges at St John's Primary School and Arley Primary School with effect from September 2022


Developer- Funded S278 Highway Schemes Approvals pdf icon PDF 237 KB

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That the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Property gives approval to the addition of the following s278 fully developer-funded highway improvement schemes to the Capital Programme for 2021/22.

a) A46 Alcester Road, Stratford (Drayton Manor Drive) – Temporary access of approximate value £50,000.00 (Fees only)

b) C43 Gallows Hill - Minor S278 (Widen bell mouth at car dealership) of approximate value £65,000.00

c) D5721 Stockley Road, Exhall - Priority junction of approximate value £189,000.00


Draft Warwickshire Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) pdf icon PDF 227 KB

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That the Portfolio Holder approves public consultation on the Draft Warwickshire Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP)


Portfolio Decision Objections to Millers Road, Warwick Zebra Crossing pdf icon PDF 133 KB

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The Portfolio Holder approves the introduction of a zebra crossing facility as advertised in accordance with section 23 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 conditional upon the necessary agreement under section 278 of the Highways Act 1980


Relationships and Sex Education - Provision of Online Information and Signposting pdf icon PDF 303 KB

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The Leader of the Council

1. Notes the outcome of the independent review commissioned into the online Relationships and Sex Education resource for young people in Warwickshire known as Respect Yourself, and approves the replacement of that resource with an information and signposting online offer delivered through the School Health and Wellbeing Service.

 2. Approves the closure of the Respect Yourself online resource and the decommissioning of the technical contract that provides systems and web-page design for that resource.

3. Delegates to the Strategic Director for People authority to enter into enhanced contractual arrangements with the School Health and Wellbeing Service for the provision of Relationships and Sex Education Online Information and Signposting, on terms and conditions acceptable to the Strategic Director for Resources.


Portfolio Holder Report for Trading Standards Fees and Charges for 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 125 KB

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1. That the Portfolio Holder for Fire & Rescue and Community Safety approves the increases in fees and charges as set out in the report.

2. A review of the fees and charges took place during 2021 to ensure that they are fully reflective of the full costs to the council and in line with the government and commercial sector. The findings of the review formed part of the Fees and Charges Proposals for 2022/2023 (Appendix 1).