Contact: Isabelle Moorhouse Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Developer - Funded S278 Highway Scheme Approval PDF 202 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved That the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Property gives approval to the addition of the following s278 fully developer-funded highway improvement scheme to the Capital Programme for 2022/23. a) A428/045 Rugby Rd, Binley Woods of approximate value £80,000.00 |
Warwickshire Pension Fund - GMP RECTIFICATION REPORT PDF 228 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved The Leader approves the decision not to seek to recover any past overpayments of pension made to members of the Warwickshire Local Government Pensions Scheme which have been identified through the HMRC guaranteed minimum pension reconciliation exercise. |
Commission Social Work Recruitment PDF 221 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved That the Leader of the Council: 1. approves an appropriate procurement process to access an existing framework, "Provision of Clinical and Healthcare Staffing (RM6161)", for the provision of temporary social workers. 2. authorises the Strategic Director for People to enter into all relevant contracts for the provision of temporary social workers in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Children, Families and Education and on terms and conditions acceptable to the Strategic Director for Resources. |
Mappleborough Green - TRO Objection PDF 391 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Resolved That the below named Traffic Regulation Orders be made as advertised: · The Warwickshire County Council (Mappleborough Green) (A4189 Warwick Highway) (Stratford On Avon) (No Right Turn) Order 2022 · The Warwickshire County Council (Mappleborough Green) (A4189 Warwick Highway) (Stratford On Avon) (U-Turn Ban) Order 2022 |
Proposed Decision to be taken by the Portfolio Holder for Customer and Transformation on or after January 2022 Minutes: Resolved The recommendations were approved as set out in the exempt report |
Proposed Decision to be taken by the Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services on or after January 2022 Minutes: Resolved The recommendations were approved as set out in the exempt report