Agenda and minutes

Portfolio Holder Decisions/Leader Decisions - Friday 12 May 2023 12.00 pm

Contact: Isabelle Moorhouse  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Rugby Borough CPE Variation No.5 pdf icon PDF 107 KB

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That the Portfolio Holder for Transport and Planning approves that the below named proposed Traffic Regulation Order be implemented as advertised with the exception to the proposals relating to Tee Tong Road as shown in plan No.PTRO21-004-002:

The Warwickshire County Council (Borough of Rugby) (Civil Enforcement Area) (Waiting Restrictions, On-Street Parking Places and Residents’ Parking) (Consolidation) (Variation No. 5) Order 2023.


Stratford CPE Variation No. 8 pdf icon PDF 105 KB

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That the portfolio holder for Transport and Planning approves that the below named proposed Traffic Regulation Order be implemented as advertised


The Warwickshire County Council (District of Stratford) (Civil Enforcement Area) (Waiting Restrictions, On-Street Parking Places and Residents’ Parking) (Consolidation) (Variation No. 8) Order 2022.


A429 Coventry Road, Warwick. Traffic Regulation Order approvals. pdf icon PDF 125 KB

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That the Portfolio Holder for Transport and Planning approves:

  1. The making of the following orders:

a.     Warwickshire County Council (Guys Cross Park Road, Warwick) (Prohibition of Right Turns) Order 2023 under the Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984.

b.     Warwickshire County Council (A429 Coventry Road, Townsend Close, Phillippes Road and Huddison Close, Warwick) Cycle Track Order 2022 the Cycle Tracks Act 1984

  1. The Implementation of the following schemes:

a.     Installation of pedestrian and cycle crossings on various road as shown on drawings 9.2-A429-063-021 (Appendix A) and 9.2-A429-063-022 (Appendix B) under s23 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984

i)      2 x zebra crossings on Guys Cross Park Road (northern and southern arms)

ii)     a cycle/pedestrian priority crossing on Rowan Drive

iii)    a cycle/pedestrian priority crossing on Station Avenue

iv)   the upgrading of the existing puffin crossing located by The Railway Inn on the A429 Coventry Road to a toucan crossing

v)     The implementation of a new toucan crossing on the A429 Coventry Road approximately 10 metres north of Lakin Road

b.     Installation of raised tables to enable cycle/pedestrian priority crossings on various roads as shown on drawings 9.2-A429-063-021 (Appendix A) and 9.2-A429-063-022 (Appendix B) under s90A and 90G of the Highways Act 1980

i)                The Paddocks, located 15 metres west of its junction with the A429 Coventry Road.

ii)               Station Avenue, located 10 metres east of its junction with the A429 Coventry Road

iii)             Guys Cross Park Road, located on its entry approximately 15 metres west of its southern junction with A429 Coventry Road

iv)             Rowan Drive, located 5 metres west of its junction with the A429 Coventry Road

c.     Conversion of footways on the A429 Coventry Road to shared and segregated use footways/cycle tracks as advertised with Section 65 and Section 66 of the Highways Act 1980.

These measures form part of a cycling scheme proposed to be implemented on the A429 Coventry Road, Warwick between The Paddocks and Primrose Hill.


Active Travel Schemes Approval pdf icon PDF 99 KB

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1.1            That the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Property gives approval to the addition of the following active travel schemes to the Capital Programme for 2023/24 to the values stated below funded by S106 developer contributions, and that spend is not committed until the S106 funding is received:

2.         1   Burbages Lane footpath and cyclepath, Ash Green £11,241.

3.         2   Ashlawn Road / Dunchurch Road footway and cycleway, Rugby £286,058.

4.         3   Houlton to town centre cycle infrastructure, Rugby £20,960.

5.         4   Coton Park East cycle infrastructure, Rugby £192,738.

6.         5   Gaydon Lighthorne Heath / Jaguar Land Rover to Warwick £660,000.

7.         6   Bishopton Lane to town centre cycle link, Stratford-upon-Avon £54,234.

8.         7   Red Lane / Hob Lane to Kenilworth Greenway footway and cycleway, Burton Green £90,000.

9.         8   Red Lane / Hob Lane active travel routes to Kenilworth, Burton Green to Kenilworth £333,359.

9      Hampton Magna to Warwick town centre cycle route £407,994.


Approval to procure contracts for the reprocessing and haulage of separately collected food waste pdf icon PDF 79 KB

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That the Deputy Leader:


1.     Authorises the undertaking of two procurement exercises, one for the reprocessing of separately collected food waste and one for the haulage of separately collected food waste


2.     Authorises the Strategic Director for Communities to award contracts and to enter into any legal agreement necessary to implement the recommendations in this report on terms and conditions acceptable to the Strategic Director for Resources



Healthwatch pdf icon PDF 86 KB

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That the Deputy Leader approves:


1.1       The Strategic Director for People to commence a procurement process for the provision of a Local Healthwatch service which will come into effect from 1 November 2023


1.2       The Strategic Director for People to enter into all necessary agreements to enable the provision of a Local Healthwatch service on terms and conditions acceptable to the Strategic Director for Resources



Portfolio Holder Decision – Change of Age Range at Brownsover Infant & Long Lawford Primary Schools pdf icon PDF 99 KB

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That the Portfolio Holder for Education approves the commencement of a public consultation on changing the age range at Brownsover Infant, Nursery Hill Primary and Long Lawford Primary Schools with effect from September 2023.


Housing Related Support (HRS) Redesign Public Consultation pdf icon PDF 119 KB

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That the Portfolio Holder approves a public consultation for the re-design of Housing-Related Support services as set out in this report.


Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service (Pensioners) - GMP rectification report pdf icon PDF 106 KB

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The Leader approves the decision that Warwickshire Fire & Rescue Service (WFRS) will not seek to recover any past overpayments to Fire Pension Scheme members which have been identified through the GMP reconciliation exercise.