Contact: Isabelle Moorhouse Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Rugby CPE Var.7 - Central Park Drive PDF 97 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Resolved that the Portfolio Holder for Transport and Planning approves that the following proposed Variation Order be made as advertised: “The Warwickshire County Council (Borough of Rugby) (Civil Enforcement Area) (Waiting Restrictions, On-Street Parking Places and Residents’ Parking) (Consolidation) (Variation No. 7) Order 2023”.
S278 Application A423 Southam By Pass Aldi access PDF 77 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved that the Portfolio Holder – Deputy Leader (Finance and Property) gives approval to the addition of the following section 278, fully developer-funded, highway improvement scheme to the Capital Programme for 2023/24: a) A423 Southam Bypass access bellmouth, ghost island and associated works for Aldi Store. Approximate value estimated at £ 1,086,400.