Agenda and minutes

Portfolio Holder Decisions/Leader Decisions - Friday 8 December 2023 12.00 pm

Contact: Isabelle Moorhouse  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Delegated Authority for Making Traffic Regulation Orders pdf icon PDF 120 KB

Additional documents:


Resolved to:


1.       Amend the definition of “minor traffic order” in the Constitution, where it appears in Part 2(10), Appendix A, 10.4 Executive Director for Communities, in the table headed “Rights of Way, Traffic Regulation, Planning and Environment” at item 18 to read as below (amendments to existing shown highlighted): 


Powers and Duties

Statutory Reference

Type of Function

A “Minor Traffic Order” is one falling into the following categories 


Parts I and II Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984


        i.    No waiting at any time restrictions at junctions including waiting restrictions required for the safe and efficient operation of traffic signals. 




         ii.     Introduction or removal ofwaiting restrictions on one or both sides of a length of road extending no greater than 50 metres on a principal road or 100 metres on a non-principal road, when measured along the centre line of the road. 


       iii.     Introduction or removal of on-street parking places, on one or both sides of a length of road extending no greater than 50 metres on a principal road or 100 metres on a non-principal road, when measured along the centre line of the road. 


       iv.     Amendments to hours of operation of existing on-street parking places. 




         v.     Extension of an existing speed limit on a length of road extending no greater than 50 metres on a principal road or 100 metres on a non-principal road, when measured along the centre line of the road. 


       vi.     Extension of an existing speed limit to encompass any new accesses to new development.


      vii.     Waiting restrictions, moving traffic orders, speed limits as recommended by a Road Safety Audit.


     viii.    Waiting restrictions, eligibility for residents parking permits , moving traffic orders, speed limits as an integral component of wider schemes.


        ix.     Structural weight limits as required by load capacity assessments. 


         x.     Individual bays for Disabled Badge Holders Only within  residential streets which already have on-street parking places.




       xi.     Any other traffic order designated by the Director of Environment, Planning and Transportas such following consultation with the Executive Director for Communities, the relevant Portfolio Holder and the Chair of the relevant Overview & Scrutiny Committee. 




The maximum lengths of roads which come within the definition of “Minor Traffic Order” apply to each separate proposal and not the total length of road covered by an order which may contain a number of proposals. 




The above definition of a “Minor Traffic Order” will apply to new orders and to amendments to existing orders.





2.       Amend the Constitution at Part 2(10), Appendix A, 10.4 Executive Director for Communities, in the table headed “Rights of Way Traffic Regulation, Planning and Environment”, at item 5 to the following:


“5.1 To make temporary traffic regulation orders and experimental traffic regulation orders;


5.2   To propose the making of Minor Traffic Orders (as defined in item 18 of this table below) and, subject to consideration of all objections duly made under the relevant Regulations and not withdrawn (if any), to make the Minor Traffic Orders;


5.3 To propose the making  ...  view the full minutes text for item 1.


Capital Funding from External Sources towards Improving Bus Infrastructure pdf icon PDF 119 KB

Additional documents:


Resolved that the Deputy Leader (Finance and Property) gives approval to the addition of one Developer-funded Highway scheme to the capital programme in respect to bus stop enhancement works on Spinney Hill opposite Montague Road in Warwick, at an approximate cost of £32.5k, and


That the Deputy Leader (Finance and Property) gives approval for County Council officers to submit a Warwickshire bid to Round 2 of the Zero Emission Bus Regional Areas (ZEBRA) fund managed by the Department for Transport (DfT), which aims to secure an external funding contribution towards the cost of providing all-electric specification buses and supporting infrastructure on designated bus routes in Warwickshire in partnership with Stagecoach Midlands.



Consultation on the expansion of Lighthorne Heath Primary School pdf icon PDF 79 KB

Additional documents:


Resolved that the Portfolio Holder for Education agrees to the commencement of a consultation in line with the statutory process required for an expansion of Lighthorne Heath Primary School to 420 places and the establishment of specialist resourced provision (SRP) to cater for pupils with special education needs and disabilities (SEND)



The Warwickshire County Council ( Warwick Road & Hill Wootton Road, Leek Wootton/Hill Wootton / Kenilworth )(30/40 & 50MPH Speed Limits) (Variation No 1) Order 2023l pdf icon PDF 95 KB

Additional documents:


Resolved that the Portfolio Holder approves the implementation of speed cushions and 30mph speed limit extension as advertised in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and the Highways Act 1980 S90A.