Contact: Helen Barnsley / Amy Bridgewater-Carnall Senior Democratic Services Officers
No. | Item |
Libraries LIF Round 3 Funding Bid PDF 89 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved that the Portfolio Holder for Customer & Transformation approves the submission of an application by Warwickshire Libraries to the Arts Council’s Libraries Improvement Fund totalling £373,000 over 3 years to support the purchase and implementation of a Sensory Mobile Library Service. |
WFRS Training Facility - Rugby PDF 97 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved that the Portfolio Holder - Deputy Leader (Finance and Property) approves the movement of £1.512m capital resources from the Warwickshire Fire & Rescue Service (WFRS) Leamington Office Space Refurbishment Project to the WFRS Training Facility and Response Point Project to enable delivery and approves the adjustment of the total cost of each project in the capital programme accordingly.