Contact: Isabelle Moorhouse Democratic Services Officer
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Developer- Funded S278 Highway Schemes Approvals PDF 95 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved That the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Property gives approval to the addition of the following s278 fully developer-funded highway improvement schemes to the Capital Programme for 2022/23. a) A 452 Leamington Road, Kenilworth - Thickthorn – Minor temporary access of approximate value £60,000.00 (fees only) b) A452 Leamington Road, Kenilworth - Thickthorn LILO of approximate value £307,200.00 c) A452 Leamington Road, Kenilworth – Thickthorn signalised junction of approximate value £1,529,760.00 d) D7069 Glasshouse Lane, Kenilworth - Thickthorn priority junction of approximate value £1,228,320.00 e) A422 Banbury Road, Stratford - Stratford Business & Technology Park of approximate value £500,000.00 f) B4100 Gaydon Service Station, Banbury Road, Gaydon of approximate value £77,400.00 g) B4114 Lutterworth Road, Golf Drive, Whitestone, Nuneaton - Traffic signal junction of approximate value £1,300,000.00 h) D2201 West Midlands Gigafactory, Coventry Airport, Rowley Road - Access 1 of approximate value £30,000.00 (fees only) i) D2201 West Midlands Gigafactory, Coventry Airport, Rowley Road - Access 2 & 3 of approximate value £1,123,080.00 j) D2201 West Midlands Gigafactory, Coventry Airport, Rowley Road - Access 4,5 & 6 of approximate value £1,145,400.00 |